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Can you find happiness in a shopping bag?

Can you find happiness in a shopping bag? Posted on August 26, 20083 Comments

If you shop with others on a regular basis, you know how different people’s shopping styles can be. WebMD identifies four specific kinds of shoppers: the big spender, value seeker, non-spender and experiencer (someone who wants to spend money on experiences not material items).

Of course you can change between the four. I personally bounce between being a value seeker and experiencer with rare occasions of being a big spender or non-spender. The most interesting thing about the WebMD story is that each style seems to bring its own level of happiness. “Experiencers are the happiest; big spenders are the least happy — and have the most credit card debt,” Dr. Miriam Tatzel of Empire State College in New York says.

I find thrills and stress release in retail therapy, that’s for sure. But I have to agree that I’m at my happiest when I’m out experiencing new things either through travel, culture or food.

What do you think? Is there one style that suits you best and one style that makes you the happiest?


  1. I am an experiencer. I love to try new things, see new places. I like new clothes every now and then but I usually talk myself out of it saying how much happier will another shirt make me? Interesting, I never knew they were individual categories though.

  2. Oh this is very interesting. I’m really rotating between the big spender (when necessary), value seeker and non-spender. Moreso, I just buy when and what I want but if it’s a big item, I refuse to buy it unless I know I can pay it. I’ve never carried a balance before on a credit card.

  3. I’d say I bounce between the four, but experiences definitely make the the happiest. The happiness also lasts longer — I’m relaxed for a long time after a vacation, but after buying something new, I’m over it before too long.

    When I do buy stuff, I’m definitely a value seeker. I’m almost never a big spender.

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