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Life in the weeds Posted on February 24, 20096 Comments

Yet again, let me apologize for my lack of posting of late. You know, work, internet issues, blah, blah, blah. It’s becoming so routine.

Actually, my real excuse was trying to roll a trip to the hair salon, a Wii party, baby shower fondue party (yes, that was a single event), night out dancing, brunch, a work shift and an Oscar party together in a single weekend. No doubt, one of my more ambitious undertakings of late but a mostly successful one. And I was even up early for work today. Rock star, I tell you.

But even a rock star needs her rest, and I plan on turning in early tonight (where early = 11 p.m.). That means you’re getting another cop-out post tonight.

I’ve only been in my condo since June and ever since then the flower bed that’s attached to my patio has blessed me with nothing but two crape myrtles that like to shed and a bunch of weeds. I took care of the weeds with some Roundup and have been waiting for the first permanent signs of spring to put my green thumb to work in the flower bed.

So imagine my surprise when I spotted this in the bed on Saturday while outside to enjoy the 57-degree sunny weather we were having …

There is life in that flower bed! I had no idea! And a crocus, no less.

The ridiculous thing is that 12 hours later that 57-degree weather had turned into a ground-covering snowfall and 20-something degree temps. I’ve been scared to look out at the patio to see if my blessed crocus is already gone. I don’t think I can handle the disappointment.


  1. Definite rock star!

    Ummm… you have me addicted to Blame Ringo. Just thought I should mention and Blame Modern Gal.

    Great flower! Are you planning on doing any addition planting?

  2. I adore crocuses (croci?) because they are the first sign of spring. I tend not to even look for them yet thinking it’s too early and then poof, they just appear! So jealous you have one already.

  3. Fish: Blame the MG, that’s what I’m here for. And yes, I shall do additional plantings when the weather starts treating me a bit more kindly.

    Max: Yes. I think it’s going to warm up soon, though.

    Dutchess: Yeah, I was getting pissed off at every mention I heard of the word “buttercup.” That’s why I was so shocked at my crocus.

    Courtney: I sneeked a peak this morning. It’s closed up its blossom, but it’s still going strong otherwise.

    Mickey: Seriously, keep hibernating!

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