At the bachelorette party I attended this weekend somehow the conversation turned to breast cancer and how to detect it. One of the modern gals in attendance, a physician’s assist, gave us a fantastic crash course on what we should be looking for when we’re checking our breasts.
As it turns out there are a number of things you might feel when doing your monthly squeeze test, as I like to call it, that very likely won’t be cancer. Some of those things aren’t anything to worry about, others are but aren’t quite as big of deal.
I hope to get modern gal Jenny to do a guest blog on here some time soon. In the mean time, check out this website which appear to has some great resources explaining what you’re looking for and what you might find.
All good info. I had my first scare when I was 27. The mammogram was suspicious and the needle aspiration inconclusive. The surgery to remove the lump proved I was fine, but talk about a wake up call!