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The Modern Gal’s detox plan

The Modern Gal’s detox plan Posted on March 13, 200810 Comments

Desperate times call for desperate measures. No, I’m not an alcoholic. Or on drugs. It’s not quite that bad. But, after snapping at the modern beau this morning, I realized it was time for me to do something to snap out of the five-day funk I’ve been feeling.

So, I’m staging an intervention.

A co-worker brought me a sugery, calorie-laden, double-sized chocolate cupcake with peanut butter icing and a half a Reese’s cup on top yesterday and I dove right in. At 10:15 a.m.

It’s not my weight I’m worried about. It’s been surprisingly constant during my hectic work schedule of the last two months. It’s just how I feel, which in a nutshell is like crap.

I haven’t been treating my body well lately and the effort is mutual on its part. I haven’t worked out with any regularity, I haven’t gotten enough sleep. When I get a headache, I load up on pain medicine rather than try to figure out and address was causing it.

So what I’m doing is initiating a weeklong or maybe two-week detox period for my body to get rid of all the junk in my system and make my body feel good. I’ve done
it once before and it worked like a charm.

My detox system is pretty basic:
1. A weeklong diet of healthy sandwiches and soups, organic fruits and veggies and salads, natural snacks and water, water, water. (one week is long enough to do some good but short enough to not get discouraged or bored)
2. 7.5 to 8 hours of sleep. End of story, even if it means I’ll be a couple of minutes late to work … I always end up working late anyway.
3. Gradually getting back into a workout routine. Short trips to the gym every couple of days to start out, with intensity and frequency increasing as I start to feel better.

What I’m asking of all my modern peeps is some suggestions on things you do to make your body feel better when your feeling like crap. Maybe you have a particular food or drink that works for you? A particular exercise or activity?

I’ll let you know how it goes!


  1. I agree w/Hollencamp. Yoga is good.
    I always feel better after a salad with substance, so I add chicken to make myself feel like I’ve gotten a full meal.
    Also – don’t deprive yourself! 100 Calorie packs of almost anything does it for me!

  2. Herman, I’m not sure that’s the kind of system cleansing I’m going for. Maybe once I’m through I’ll hit up the B-Dubs.

    Hélène, the gym I just joined has Yoga, and I can’t wait. I haven’t taken a class in about four years and my life has been worse for it.

    Angie, I’ve got my box of 100-calorie cheese balls to get me through. That and dark chocolate. I’m also drinking water out of the Tervis Tumbler you gave me 🙂

  3. That’s exactly why I’ve been doing my all vegan month. I have to force myself to not eat cheese, and that’s the only way I can slow down.

    Salad is good, and I like to put tofu and avocado on it to make it more tasty.

  4. Your detox system sounds good. The only problem, from my preachy perspective, is that you make it sound like it’s a temporary arrangement. Getting exercise, eating healthy and drinking lots of water should be the norm. If you don’t tox in the first place, you won’t need to detox.

    Sorry if I sound a little too righteous.

  5. Honest to God, a pedicure and manicure make me feel like a brand new person if I’m particularly stressed. It’s not internal, but it’s the best $30 I can spend on myself once every few months. In the same vein, a massage helps, too. I also try to do other pamper-y things, like a facial or a long bath with lavendar bath salts. Treating your body like more than just a big duffle bag that holds all of your organs makes a huge difference.

  6. Mickey, you’re definitely not being too righteous. These are all things I try to do regularly. Sometimes I just need a week of beating myself over the head with it to get myself back into good habits.

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