Maureen Dowd, whose columns are at times entertaining for her hatred of all sides of the political game covered a different topic Sunday. She took a stab at what makes an ideal husband with the help of a 79-year-old Catholic priest who has spent much of his life offering marriage counseling.
It’s a good read — especially the punchline at the end — which I tend to agree with. I’m sure the modern guys will have something to say about this.
That is a great article.
My ideal husband would include boobs. Two of them, preferably bigger than mine.
Great article, MG!
Allie: I just wonder if the coworker who sent it to me was trying to tell me something about my own love life?
Mel: Ha!
I read this article on another blog and honestly I have to say, as a modern woman, he’s not far off on some of his “criteria.” A lot of good points.
I just liked the part where he referred to Paul as a “world-class misogynist.”
Really, as a modern guy, I think this could be almost perfectly reversed as a way to evaluate modern gals as well.
The title should be "What makes an ideal mate" (man or woman). This article goes both ways.