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Fastest ride to irrelevancy


  1. Can you imagine living with this whiny, narcissistic guy? I feel for his wife. She probably talked him out of ertirement so he wouldn’t be at home so much.

  2. Dude just wants to play football. Clearly it’s not about the money or the glory. It’s the Jets, after all.

    So good for him. He’s got plenty of time to be retired. May as well play some football while he can.

  3. Jenn: I’m sorry for your Bears’ loss. I kinda like them and hope they win unless they’re playing my Titans.

    AJ: Agreed.

    Mickey: All conclusions he could have made BEFORE he announced he was retiring. This nation does not appreciate flip-floppers.

  4. Have I told you I cannot stand football and anything related to football. I pretty much despise football season.

    Blah.. Baseball season should be year round.

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