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Let’s just play ball

Let’s just play ball Posted on February 11, 20092 Comments

I’m sure those of you who are baseball fans to the degree that I am, are well-familiar now with the A-Rod on ‘Roids bit that came out earlier this week.

Now, don’t get me wrong, there’s no love lost between myself and Alex Rodriguez, but honestly, I had the same reaction as this guy. Who isn’t on steroids? And who cares? I mean, besides the president.

Yes, I hate that major league baseball players are taking steroids. We all know Mark McGuire of my beloved Cardinals was among them, and boy did that break my heart. But seriously, like the writer of that column, I’m plum out of outrage. This happened six years ago. Can’t we just start anew? Testing for everybody, right now. Your past sins are forgiven but you better not be juicing now.

Spring training can’t come fast enough (two weeks and counting).

Really, the only thing I’m wondering is if Madonna has anything to say about A-Rod’s, ahem, performance.


  1. I totally agree — start testing everyone now and forget about the past. I don’t advocate letting them get away with cheating, but I also think baseball just has to move past this. No wonder people are losing interest in the sport.

  2. I keep going back to what Jose Canseco said a while back about how in ten or twenty years everyone (not just athletes) will be juicing anyway and we’ll laugh about the idea that it was ever such a big deal. I hate to listen to anything that comes out of that idiot’s mouth, but he may be right. Considering how many dietary supplements and ED medications and mood enhancers we’re on as a society, what’s the big deal with a little extra injected testosterone?

    Didn’t Rafael Palmeiro plug Viagra before he got busted? What’s the difference between getting a little pharmaceutical help in the sack versus on the baseball diamond?

    I just think the line is getting blurry and it doesn’t take a great leap in reasoning to understand how athletes justify cheating to themselves.

    Yes, test everyone. And then we either have to get over it and move on or give up on sports all together.

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