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And that’s a good thing Posted on April 8, 20118 Comments

Thanks, everyone, for humoring me on that last post. I’m really excited to read your blogs (and tweets), and it kind of helped feed my urge to blog even more. (And thanks to the non-lurkers who said hi anyway.)

I feel like The Modern Gal has been way too mopey lately, what with her ‘work is eating me alive‘ posts and her ‘I’m homesick and feeling introspective‘ posts. Because I’m a gal of balance, I feel like enumerating things that have been sunny in the life of The Modern Gal this week. Behold:

  • The Modern Love Machine and I turned in a stash of coins to Coinstar (half from his days as a bartender, the other half found in a bag in our garage when we moved in. Errr, sorry previous owners. The result was turned into a $170 gift certificate, which has already been redeemed.
  • We also took some books and an unfun Wii game to the local used bookstore to sell. The credit we got back combined with credit from a previous trip to said book store was enough to cover books and CDs we decided to purchase that day, and we still had like $43 in credit left over. Score.
  • My current boss rarely irritates me and occasionally tells me he doesn’t care where I work as long as I get my work done. I took him at his word today and worked on my tan while doing somewhat more legitimate work. Here is the view from my desk … patio desk
  • I won the two bracket pools I entered by being stupid enough to pick UConn to win it all. One pool won me some cash, the other one bragging rights over the MLM and our friends.
  • I completed a four-mile jog and only shuffled/walked for part of the fourth mile. This does not guarantee I will be competing in a triathlon in just over a week, however.
  • I think I may have finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up older. More about that later.


  1. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!! Good luck in the tri!! You’ll be kick ass. And yay for all the other things! (And the chance to get some sunshine.) Hope the modern doggies kept you company while you were out there.

    1. You’re assuming I’m doing the tri, and I’m really kinda leaning towards not doing because I haven’t swam or biked at all lately.

      And yes, the modern doggies were out there, but the heat had gotten to be a little too much, so they were hiding in my shadow 🙂

  2. Thanks for sharing the good things going on lately. And that’s too cool that your boss lets you work from wherever.

  3. $170 in coins?! That is AWESOME. I get the weirdest looks whenever I take rolls of pennies to the bank to exchange them for quarters.

  4. Way to go on the Coinstar redemption. That is awesome! Also, I cannot wait to hear more about this future decision you’ve made

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