This time last year I had two grey hairs on my head. Now I have about a dozen, and at the ripe old age of 29, nonetheless. This has been a great source of stress for me lately. The Google tells me that beginning the greying process in one’s 20s is a sign of premature greying. I always was ahead of the game.
But the Google also says that an average human head has about 100,000 hairs, so if I’m going grey at a rate of 10 hairs per year, that means it should take me 10,000 years to go completely grey. I feel better already.
I am loving your logic! I will gladly keep my fingers crossed, for you and I, that grey hairs stay away for 20 years or so.
I used to freak out about my gray hairs, but now I just tell myself that for every gray hair I have, I’m 10x smarter than I used to be. Don’t know if that’s actually true, but it sure makes me feel better.
Haha love the logic! I guess that’s one benefit of having lighter hair–it’s harder to detect grays. I’ve yet to see one on my own head (though Scott’s finally starting to sprout a few), and it’s one of the reasons I have wanted to die my hair chestnut brown for years but probably never will…
That is good logic. I went blonde, so I don’t see grey hairs anymore. It’s nice. They didn’t bug me too bad, but when all is said and done, I’d rather not know they’re there.
You’re distinguished! But if you’d like to be less distinguished, you could always dye your hair.