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O Holy Hell

O Holy Hell Posted on November 13, 20073 Comments

The Modern Gal has long since realized that it’s futile to complain about the early coming of Christmas in consumerland. It’s been going on for years. I’ve tried to fight it and to no avail.

But, I will have to call out two instances of pre-emptive celebration:
1. I was doing a scan of the local radio stations a few days ago and landed on an all-Christmas station playing Celine Dion.
2. I was strolling through the ‘hood last night and saw the first domestic Christmas tree of the season glowing from inside a foyer.

Now, the Modern Gal has been known to bust out her favorite holiday album, Barenaked for the Holidays, in July. It is great that people get so excited about the Lord’s birth, but I’m pretty sure (though no authority by any means) that he wants us to observe Ordinary Time and Advent first. If that’s not your thing, please consider at least wait til Thanksgiving for the rest of us. Thank you on behalf of all modern gals everywhere.


  1. I hate that stupid radio station so much — especially because the tower is about a half-mile from my house, so it eats many frequencies.

    If they would play cool Christmas music, that would be one thing. But Celine Dion is never okay. The baby Jesus cries when he hears that crap.

    (also, Ordinary Time… hehe.)

  2. Ha! Fantastic use of the “baby Jesus cries” reference.

    And agreed. The music is not even quality.

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