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All the time in the world to contemplate PR

All the time in the world to contemplate PR Posted on December 15, 2007

Ok, The Modern Gal took it upon herself to close the weekly poll a little bit early because she just won’t have the chance to deal with it later as a couple dozen drunken revelers take over her house. Sigh.

I’m fairly pleased with the turnout of the first poll. I mean double digits are good, but a dozen would have been even better, but I’m just glad y’all are paying attention!

The results are:
45% or five people said they loved SATC and will go see the movie but are a bit apprehensive about it.
27% or apparently the three straight dudes who read this blog so no way in hell they’ll go.
18% or two of you are practical and will probably go see it after it’s been out a while so you don’t have to fight for a seat at the theater.
9% or one person is totally obsessed.
And no one was living in a hole or is going to allow themselves to be dragged to the theater.

Now, for the new poll:
Bravo TV hyped the hell out of last week’s Project Runway. Turns out it was probably because they’re not going to have another fresh episode until after New Year’s. You know what The Modern Gal thought about it. What do you think?

What? No PR for the next two weeks?
Now, Elisa, you’re just going to have to make it work.