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Posted in basketball sports


Bracketeering Posted on March 21, 20084 Comments

It’s one of the more wonderful times in the year in that it’s NCAA tournament time — just about the only time the Modern Gal pays attention to the college basketball scene at large.

Somehow this year at work I inherited the job of my former office’s bracket commissioner, a job that previously belonged to my former boss who’s since moved on to bigger and better things in the NYC.

I gave explicit instructions to my co-workers and some assorted friends who are spread across the country on Monday: have your bracket faxed to me by noon EDT Thursday, about 15 minutes before any of the games start. The former bracket commissioner did a good job of preventing bracketeering and fraud and I was damned determined I would too.

I received the following pleas for bracket filing extensions:
1. I’ve been on the couch since Tuesday with strep throat (yes Jay, I’m calling you out 🙂
2. I have a lung infection.
3. I may have torn my rotator cuff when I fell walking to the hockey game, and now I have to go to the doctor.
4. Work got in the way.

I allowed Nos. 1 and 2 to e-mail their picks in. No. 3 is going to get docked a couple of points and No. 4 is denied. Work NEVER gets in the way of the NCAA tournament.

It’s worth mentioning that the colleague who’s on vacation managed to get her bracket in on time.

Modern gal tip: Do your bracket on Sunday night as they’re being announced. Then you have three and a half days to get that bracket to the appropriate bracket commissioner.


  1. I’ve never gotten involved in all of this bracket stuff. But I’m having a lot of fun reading all the posts about it. You’re pretty hardcore when it comes to excuses haha!

  2. *cough cough hack* Now that is just mean to call me out that way, especially when my bracket has COMPLETELY IMPLODED, probably a result of being picked when I had a fever of 101.7.

  3. The only time of year I pay any attention to any basketball at all. But it sure is awesome.

  4. We did ours online through ESPN. Attendance was low but at least ESPN doesnt joke around when it comes to extending deadlines.

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