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The cost of an unhappy marriage

The cost of an unhappy marriage Posted on March 20, 20085 Comments

There’s a notion that married people are healthier than unmarried people, though the Modern Gal has thought it bunk for some time after observing some of her married friends.

Well, according to a new (but preliminary) study, it’s true in the cases of happy marriages. But when the marriage is unhappy, you’re better off being single. How logical.

Thanks to modern gal Noodles for pointing out the story, saying it’s “another reason why no MG should ever settle.”

True words.


  1. I agree that it is better to find the right person, else, singledom is okay as well. I have seen too many modern gals going through bad marriages and divorces to want to hastily jump into the marriage pool.

  2. And this is the entire idea behind QuirkyAlone which I am such a big fan of and talk about endlessly!

  3. From the people who brought you the, “eating more makes you fat” study, comes another “duh, it’s just what you thought” conclusion.

  4. savvygal: me too.

    vanessa: I’m so going to have a quirkyalone party as soon as I know enough people in this town to have one.

    noelle: just what i was getting at.

  5. If you have the QA party, let me know, if I can make it, I’ll take a road trip and help you put on the party!

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