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National Incompetency Eradication Day Week

National Incompetency Eradication Day Week Posted on April 7, 200811 Comments

UPDATE: Mickey pointed out that I really didn’t give enough notice on this one, so I’m taking his NICE action and declaring this a week’s worth of celebration. Thanks for your action in eradicating incompetency, Mickey!

Modern gals don’t like to be bitchy (or at least not completely bitchy), but we do like to be effective. Inspired by some general incompetencies today, this post from The Park Bencher and Noelle’s hoop-jumping to get an iPod accessory replaced (albeit with a happy ending), The Modern Gal is declaring this National Incompetency Eradication Day Week (NICE Day Week for short) aka National Day Week of Complaining.

I have taken the following actions:

1. Complained to McAlister’s Deli, my once-favorite lunching spot which has been headed downhill for sometime. Their trademark Spuds (really gigantic baked potatoes with mounds of goodness on top) have become horribly dry and tasteless and the fajita spud I like — normally topped with about two dozen strips of spicy chicken — only had three (small) chicken strips today. Also, I always have to request the condiments that ARE SUPPOSED TO COME WITH THE SPUD. I complained via the online comment form.

2. Decided not to return to Zaxby’s, what I used to consider the best of this area’s half-dozen fried chicken fingers joings (yes, we have places here in the South specifically for selling chicken fingers), after the Modern Beau and I had a particularly disgusting dinner there the other night. My Texas toast was not only buttered before being toasted, it was coated in salt. I was left gagging. I would have complained via their online comment form, but they don’t have one.

3. Planned to call the auto bodyshop that spent the last week undoing some damage I did to my precious baby Mazda 3 because of my inability to park in parking garages (seriously, why do they make the spaces so small and place them right next to concrete beams?) In fixing the cosmetic damage, they created actual functional damage by breaking my interior trunk release. Of course I didn’t notice until I’d already paid and taken off with said car.

The Modern Beau’s response was that he wants me to complain to the state board of law examiners for making the bar exam application too long. I don’t know if that qualifies as an incompetency or not.

What action do you plan to take today for NICE Day Week?


  1. First I totally agree about McAllisters, going downhill for quite some time now. I would complain about my favorite magazine Utne reader. I have renewed my subscription and paid for it, actually paid the renewal twice because of a mistake on my part, yet they still send me the “this is your last issue, renew at once” letters every other month. How many times do I need to call or write for my $20/year magazine subscription?

    Also? I love that this day is called NICE.

  2. I would like to complain, that I don’t think there is a 1-800 or 1-866 number in existence today where you can directly reach a human being. I know you have posted about this before. But I called Suntrust today, and 2 after failed attempts to reach a Bob, Sue, or even a Pat, I finally called a local branch, and, after pressing 0 about 5 times, finally got to speak to a Marquetta. She fixed my problems. Let’s hear it for Marquetta.

  3. Oh, adding to Angie’s complaint within a complaint about 800 numbers not reaching real people — I would like to complain about hold music that gets interrupted every 30 seconds with an add of some sort for the company you are already calling.

    Either have hold music that continues uninterrupted until someone answers your call — something classical and benign, — or don’t have hold music at all. I’ll watch tv or listen to music of my preference while I wait. I don’t need your stinking hold music automated phone system. I just don’t need it.

    Sorry, I have more rage about this than I realized. 🙂

  4. That’s pretty damn inspiring! I would like to complain to at least 6 people, but after my good luck with the iPod, I don’t think I want to press my luck.

  5. I’m so glad to see so much action being taken. Noelle, if I were you I wouldn’t press my luck either. In fact, can you send some of that luck this way?

  6. I had no real opportunity to complain today, which is actually rare. But on the chicken front, have you been to Guthrie’s yet? It’s life changing chicken. And it’s run by the former executive chef at Green Hills Grille! (Seriously!)

  7. I’m going to complain to John Calipari that his team fell completely apart at most important point in the National Championship game, thus making every person who has ever said Memphis can’t hack it with the big boys feel vindicated. Unfucking believable.

  8. Angie: Let us celebrate the Marquettas of the world. In fact, this can be Marquetta Appreciation Day.

    Jay: No, the Modern Beau gave it a bad review but everyone else seems to like Guthries. I’ll have to go without him.

    CB: It’s hard to watch your team go down. The Tiggers did seem to give up in the last 60 seconds of regulation.

  9. Great idea, but we could’ve used a little advance notice to get everything in order. Now I’ve missed it altogether by two days.

    Maybe McAllister’s has expanded too fast. Happens all the time. Zaxby’s too. I used to love them, but the last couple of years they’ve been really mediocre. I’ve been digging Wishbone’s lately. Good chicken plus they have sweet potato fries.

    Can you believe Noelle considers her iPod experience good luck? She had to drive all over the place! I call that getting the run-around. I wish I had her outlook.

  10. Mickey: Your complaint is duly noted. See now updated post. And you’re right, I had the complete opposite reaction to Noelle’s iPod experience than what Noelle had.

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