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The Modern Gal waxes about skincare

The Modern Gal waxes about skincare Posted on April 2, 20085 Comments

I’m three months into my resolution/determination to clear up my acne-prone skin once and for all and I think I may have stumbled upon a routine that actually works … for The Modern Gal, anyway.

I raided the brand-new Sephora store that popped up in our local mall a month ago, desperate to find something that would both keep my face from breaking out and smooth out my horribly uneven toned skin.

Astonished by the prices of some of Sephora’s assorted facial products, I settled upon two items from Philosophy, mostly because they didn’t carry three-digit prices. They were actually kind of reasonably priced when you forget that there’s a Walgreens across the street which sells moisterizer for $4.

But the thing is, they actually have been working for me. I’ve been using Philosophy’s mini peel pads and moisterizer at night combined with my twice-daily Cetaphil wash and my morning Neutragena moisterizer w/sunscreen and amazingly I’ve had maybe two zits this month (minor victories here, minor victories) and my skin has softened significantly.

But the conclusion I’ve reached is that the reason there’s so many freakin’ options on the market when it comes to skincare and the reason that the 500 other different skincare suggestions I’ve tried didn’t work is because we’re all snowflakes. No one skin care regiment works for two people.

Yes, that’s right, we’re all snowflakes.
It’s been a long day.


  1. I love Sephora and I also love Philosophy although I havent used the products you mentioned. They have a fabulous perfume GRACE.

  2. I will definitely try that out next time I’m there. I’m in the market for a new scent.

  3. I’m always hesitant to put something on my face that contains the word “peel.” After much experimenting, I’ve found that skin is so dry that my snowflake is nothing at all, and dabs of lotion after a shower. If I wash my face before bed, I break out something awful.

  4. Yeah, I’d found out that the less I wash, the better my skin looks. So bizarre. I also switched to this moisturizer that’s pretty much just olive oil, shea butter, and some herbs. It’s horribly gloppy and greasy for the first few minutes, but it works like a charm. It’s so weird how everyone’s skin reacts differently.

  5. Noelle: I felt the same way about getting a peel, which my dermatologist suggested at one point. I opted for these things instead, which were really just like those old Noxema pads we all probably used at one point. And it’s got a hint of moisterizer, so it doesn’t dry your skin out horribly.

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