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Conserving gas and perhaps money

Conserving gas and perhaps money Posted on May 30, 20085 Comments

Cool People Care has a list of tips to help you save gas and therefore some money in these times of outrageously priced gallons (get used to it, modern friends, I believe it’s here to stay). They’re pretty simple, so there’s not really an excuse not to abide.

Inspired by these two, I’m trying something else to help conserve: driving slower. This is a very hard step for me, the girl who likes to get speeding tickets. Those two claim it really works, though.


  1. I haven’t gone above the speed limit, since I last filled my ’07 Saturn Ion, and I’ve gone almost 300 miles on 3/4ths of a 12 gallon tank. It’s beautifully simple.

    I also am not running the risk of getting a nasty speeding ticket. But I am running the risk of being late.

  2. Thanks for the link! Here’s to hoping that more folks can save gas, the environment and some cash.

  3. Driving slower really does work though! Thanks for the tips, I’m all about upping the MPG.

  4. We all needed this link. I want to cry less at the pump. I am thinking I should begin to dress in all black when I fill up.

  5. Noelle: I’m always running late, which has always been my impetus for driving fast.

    Sam: Thank YOU for the tips.

    Vanessa: I’m a believer. I can’t wait to see how it affects my pocketbook.

    Kristen: I feel like I should just give the gas station my entire wallet when I’m there.

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