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Squwii Posted on May 26, 20088 Comments

One good thing that happened in the past week:

The Modern Beau and I invested in a Wii. It wasn’t so much an impulsive purchase as it was months of careful planning and scheming which culminated when I noticed the Target circular was advertising sales of the Wii, which meant they were planning to actually stock them.

The MB and I have been saving our pocket change since August — quite literally, whatever change was in our pockets at the end of the day went into the Wii Fund. We didn’t quite end up with $249.99 in change, but we came close enough to justify the purchase when the elusive game set was spotted at the local Target.

Since then, I’ve pretty much mastered Wii Bowling, gotten OK at Wii Boxing and Golf and realized I suck at Wii Baseball (I’m certain it’s impossible to homer) and Tennis. We rented We Ski (why isn’t that Wii Skii?) at Blockbuster last night in hopes of it satisfying my unending need to skii, and it’s pretty awesome too.

Now, I just really want Guitar Hero, Mario Kart and Wii Fit, and I’ll probably be satisfied.

Any other Wiiers out there who can recommend some games? Tell me how to score in Wii Baseball?


  1. Mr. Ex gave the kids a Wii for Christmas and wii love it! The kids have played Zelda and Lego’s Star Wars (don’t laugh I’ve played it & enjoyed it). I can’t wait to get my hands on the WiiFit! Have fun!

  2. My brother’s have a Wii and I…being the much loved sister that I am….got to play it. WOOHOO! I’ve mastered my technique of Wii Bowling. I hold the controller with two fingers on one side and my pointer finger and thumb on the other and use my middle finger to press the button. It keeps my bowling balls from going awry. MUCH MUCH FUN!

    Here’s a toast (of soda pop..hehe) to video games that strengthen muscles and keeps us fit!

  3. I love Wii and think I may have to start a change jar to get myself one. My favorites are tennis and baseball. Have fun!

  4. I’m a Will Bowling champion of the Wii Universe! Okay probably not, but I love it. I’m decent at baseball and boxing, but suck hardcore at golf and tennis.

    I want WiiFit too! Ooo and Guitar Hero. I have WiiPlay, which is full of silly little games, Dancing With the Stars, which I do not recommend, Mario Galaxy and the sims.’s okay.

  5. CelticBuffy: The Lego game actually caught my eye, considering I was a Lego freak as a child.

    Minda: Hear, hear!

    Playful Professional: It’s the modern way to save money.

    Jenn: We got WiiPlay too to get the extra controler, though I’ve already kinda lost interest in. If I ever make it to Chicago, you’re hearby challenged to a Wii Bowling match.

  6. Home runs are just about the only way we ever score. It’s kind of like the American League.

    (It’s all about timing. And luck.)

  7. I get homeruns in Wii Baseball. I have no advice though, since I’ve no idea how. I’m not good at Real Life Baseball. 🙂

    I am all about the Wii Boxing. I ROCK.

    My children love Super Mario Galaxy. It’s pretty fun for me too. 🙂

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