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Sex and the City, a Modern Gal review

Sex and the City, a Modern Gal review Posted on June 2, 200816 Comments


Ok, I can’t hold it in anymore: The Modern Gal is ready to talk Sex and the City the movie.

Did you like it? Love it? I’m interested in hearing your specific thoughts about it. What did you love most? Was there anything you HATED?

My main verdict: the movie did not ruin the series. I’m still not sure it was necessary, but I did like it. I wouldn’t give it five stars, but I feel it’s worth seeing for even a casual fan.

That said, I have lots of very specific points to make, so I’ll do so in the oh-so-popular bullet form.

  • Length. The movie was waaaaay too long, which is to be expected when TV writers try to write a movie. It was like four episodes put together. Some serious editing could have been done on the first half. We knew much of what was coming thanks to trailers and spoilers. It took much too long to get to the honeymoon part, which was where I felt the real story began.
  • Acting. In the first half it was kind of bad. It seemed like everyone was struggling to get back into the characters that they had mastered so well during the series. They were forcing the acting, their voices were often high-pitched and weird. But by the time the honeymoon part rolled around, they seemed to be rolling again and it felt more natural.
  • The ending. I loved it, but thought it was completely rushed compared to the beginning. Angie E. tells me she’s heard mixed reactions, with some people claiming that Big always gets his way (in this case with the city hall marriage). I don’t think that’s the case here: Carrie didn’t want a lavish event at the beginning. She bought that vintage skirt suit to be married in and wanted something that was all about them. But she let herself get caught up in the ado everyone else was making about it. I knew as soon as she nodded her head to Enid, that the wedding was going to fall apart, thanks to it not being about Carrie and Big. But how perfect is it for Big to formally propose in a dream closet and seal the deal by placing the shoe on her foot? I’m a big believer that proposals should be personal to the couple involved, and that one was. I also am a big believer that weddings should be personal to the couple involved, and that was the point that was made there.
  • Jennifer Hudson. I’ve heard mixed reaction on her role too: overdone, underdone, unnecessary, bad acting. I mostly liked St. Louise’s character, but am not sure she should have been the one to pull Carrie out of her funk. Shouldn’t it have been Samantha/Charlotte/Miranda? I’m not sure her character was totally believable either and I kind of hated the whole Love keychain thing, but I thought she was cute and that the youthful Charlotte-esque optimism was refreshing. Oh, and Meet Me in St. Louis is one of my ALL-TIME FAVORITE old movies. I actually squealed when it was referenced.
  • Miranda/Steve. Unfortunately, as much as I tried to avoid all spoilers before the movie, this one somehown found its way to me. I thought it was a good sub-story, though it may have contributed unnecessarily to the length of the movie. But, it was perhaps the most believable part of the movie.
  • Samantha/Smith. Their breakup was actually a nice surprise. Boy, that sounds cruel, but it’s true. I know the writers of the series were trying to make a point about love conquering all by keeping Sam and Smith together at the end, but it never seemed natural. The actual breakup part should have been more emotional and it definitely seemed rushed, but it still seemed the right thing to do.
  • Charlotte. Yes, the crapping-her-pants thing was funny, although how the heck did her system get so messed up from one accidental slurp of Mexican water? Maybe it was the pudding that did it to her. I actually kind of wished we’d gotten more of Charlotte and WAY more of Harry here. I’ve never loved her so much as I did in the movie (I actually hated her during the Trey phase), but she seemed to get the least screentime of the four. Harry has always been a favorite of mine, and I do love that he was the one that got to deliver the message from Big to Carrie.

I think that’s all the bullet points I had to make about the movie itself. It was fun to see how all the ladies who went on opening night dressed for the occasion. I opted to go a little lower-key, with jeans and a grey baby-doll style shirt, but I had fun accessorizing with my favorite red shoes and earrings. The squeals and screams and such from the sequined-clad crowd during the movie was a smidge annoying, but I suppose it was all part of the opening night experience.

The Modern Beau did hold up his end of the deal by going, and I think he kinda liked the movie. He completely underestimated the commitment in going to see it though. His thought process had been this (which I didn’t find out until after the show): He thought that SATC episodes, like the Sopranos, were an hour long. He reasoned he could handle a 2.5-episode length movie. He’s sat through two episodes in a row before. He has not, however, sat through five of them. As pleased as I was to have him there, I do think it would have been better to see with some galpals.

By the way, I’ve heard from others/attempted myself no less than five uses of “I curse the day you were born.” I smell a catchphrase.

P.S. Dear Michael Patrick King and SJP: NO SEQUELS, PLEASE. If I have to see a movie about a preggers Carrie, I’m throwing my SATC DVD collection off the Brooklyn Bridge.


  1. As a casual fan, I enjoyed it. Will I see it again? Yes, prob as a DVD though. Will I buy it? Nah. I loved the clothes the most (go figure); I will say the scene where Carrie hits big w/the bouquet in the middle of the streets was gut-wrentching, espc the way she screamed “you humiliated me”…
    I think we need a post from you about your favorite movies of all time, now that you let us in to your Meet Me in St. Louis obession.

  2. Good review!

    I liked the Louise character, but thought that Jennifer Hudson was terrible at acting the role. Somebody like America Ferrara would have been better. I mean, America Ferrara is a campy actor, but so are SJP and Kim C.

    I agree with you about the acting being poor at the start, but I guess I think that the acting was always kind of shoddy, especially Kim C. and the peripheral characters.

    I wanted more Charlotte too! She is not my favorite character but she deserved more, and like you, I love Harry.

    I had to ask myself this when considering whether or not I liked the movie: Was I entertained for most of the 2.5 hours? I was. And that, I think, means it gets a high five in my book.

  3. I was so glad they broke up Sam and Smith. It was the one part of the series finale that just didn’t settle well.

    I would love a sequel, but I’m completely SATC obsessed (I think I started watching when I was 16, so I grew up with the series). However, I do agree, a pregnant Carrie would be an abomination. How old is that character again?

  4. other than the length my main complaint was the cinematography. it was shot like a tv show.

    there no high crane shots taking in the awesome ny scenery. i just don’t think they worked the shots enough.

    oh well.

    and i’m with you, no sequel please!

  5. Hi – I’m the editor of and we’ve been scrambling today to get the Love keychain! I’m happy to say we’re going to have a limited number available starting tomrorrow. Go here for a product image – and sign up for our email alert which will get sent out as soon as the keychain is available for purchase. Price TBD but let’s just say it won’t be $300!

  6. OK, I just saw it and am sooo ready to discuss! Overall I thought it was good. Someone had told me to bring Kleenex with me, and while I didn’t cry outright, there were times when I got a little teary, mostly when Miranda and Steve met on the bridge. Awww.

    Charlotte crapping herself was possibly the hardest I’ve laughed in a movie theater in a long time.

    I thought all the men needed more screen time, especially Harry. I love Harry! And did you love how perfect Charlotte looked right after giving birth? Perhaps all that running kept her in shape for childbirth.

    Love keychain = dumb. Jennifer Hudson was completely unnecessary and almost came off as a figment of Carrie’s imagination because she didn’t interact with any of the other main characters. I think it was a desperate attempt by the writers to introduce a new character for the movie, only to take it away.

    I second your call for NO SEQUELS. I thought they wrapped it up nicely. Overall, I was entertained.

  7. Angie: Thanks for the casual fan opinion and your request for a movie post is noted and filed in the “future post” file in my brain.

    Em: I like the America Ferrera idea. That girl does NOT get enough face time. I love Ugly Betty, and I’m always wanting more of her.

    K-Rae: She’s 40 in this movie, so we’d have to assume she’d be in her mid-40s if they got her preggers. I know it’s possible and would send a great message of women impowerment, but I’m sorry, I like the fact that she’s not all gung-kid-ho. That’s why we have Charlotte.

    Alexa: Good observation. I hadn’t even thought of that, but you’re right. The movie certainly wasn’t a work of art.

    Heather: I get a cut of your sales for that little free advertisement, right?

    Courtney: Yup, I’ve read somewhere that Louise from St. Louis was an effort to introduce some more diversity into the lineup. It was a bit forced.

  8. A SATC review how refershing. I wonder if this gives me the okay to post one with a disclaimer like yours!

    Anyways.. I am one of those who felt Mr. Big shouldnt have landed Carrie at the end. Carrie in my opinion should have made him bite the curb. Thats the cynical me talking.

    I loved the movie as a whole but could have also done without that Hudson broad. I agree it should have been Samantha, Charlotte, or Miranda.

    The overall theme of the movie was key.

  9. I’m not a SATC fan. But friends wanted to see the movie, so I saw it. (Correction, friends bought tickets at least a week ago and *told* me I was going, no matter what.)

    Even as a non-fan, I knew what was going to happen before seeing the movie, though. Way too predictable. And the end was way, way, way too cheesy. I thought Carrie should have remained single too; I’ve always thought the characters were shallow, and that move fit my stereotype.

    I’m more than happy to go back to action movies the rest of the summer.

  10. okay, here is the totally obsessed from day one, owns every season on DVD, can pinpoint an episode for every mood i am in, went to the midnight showing in virginia perspective:


    when i say i cried, i mean, i sobbed. like, hysterically. not just when carrie is pelting big with her bouquet and screaming “i knew it,” not just when samantha literally feeds carrie in mexico, not just when miranda and steve meet on the brooklyn bridge…i cried the whole time. because i was laughing, because i was sad, and because i was so freaking elated to be watching new sex and the city. i thought the costumes/music/dialogue/casting/etc were perfect, BUT, i do have an issue. i was not given ample time to forgive big. i mean, i haaaaated him this time. i cursed the day he was born, for real. and then, i barely saw him again until he was at the courthouse marrying carrie. and i’m sorry, but a bunch of retyped love letters just did not do it for me! i needed more time! of course, i do not think the movie should have been longer, but perhaps they could have incorporated more of big’s woefullness & misery, because all i saw was him eating steak on new year’s, and that ain’t cuttin it for me. anyway, loved the movie, but still kind of hate big, ya know?

  11. At the risk of sounding like a jerk, but unable to contain my guyness, didn’t you used to do the occasional post about baseball or food?

    No, I know you have to get all this SATC stuff out of your system first. Sigh. Carry on.

  12. I have to say that I have yet to see the movie. I think that you should persuade the Modern Beau to guest blog on his opinion of the movie. Might give us guys some insight on whether it is worth the hype that everyone is putting out there.

  13. Oh, I’d love to hear the Modern Beau’s take on the movie. Make him do a guest post!

  14. Kristen: I’m intrigued by the range of opinions on Big. It’s almost like a McSteamy v. McDreamy thing (this being said by someone who’s never really watched Grey’s Anatomy)

    Erica: I agree that the movie is not for nonfans and completely predictable. It was basically an attempt to satisfy the insatiable appetite of the fans.

    Helene: Very good point about Big. You’re right. His misery would have made the ending so much more compelling.

    Mickey: Ah yes, but I have to give the modern gals what they want first, as this site is called The Modern Gal. Baseball posts to come.

    Dustin and Courtney: Your requests are noted, though no promises. The MB is not much into the whole blogging thing and will probably balk at the idea. I will ask nicely with a cherry on top though.

    Jamie: Glad to hear!

  15. I liked it. I don’t feel that it ruined the series and that made me happy.

    I could have done without Jennifer Hudson. It seemed like Charlotte didn’t have much of a plot in the movie. She was there for support and humor until she found out she was pregnant.

    In a silly way, the movie made me feel like I was reuniting with old friends. I loved seeing the girls again.

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