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Take me out to the Battle of the Bands

Take me out to the Battle of the Bands Posted on June 25, 20085 Comments

Did you know the song “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” is 100 years old? They may not sell Cracker Jacks at games anymore, but I’d say it’s held up pretty well.

To celebrate, ESPN is hosting a Take Me Out to the Ballgame Battle of the Bands, where artists of very different styles perform their take on the song. They’re being introduced one by one on Baseball Tonight through Sunday and then we all get to vote on our favorite. They’re posted here after airing.

Certainly my favorite is ESPN’s baseball and music expert Peter Gammons, whose version is a tribute to Bo Diddley. Unfortunately, Gammons isn’t eligible to win. I think my second favorite is this one by Ozomotli:

One thing’s for sure. The Punch Brothers are NOT getting my vote, for a reason that becomes obvious upon listening.


  1. as soon as I saw the title of this post, I started singing “take me out to the ball game” in my head…hmm

  2. Why DON’T they sell Cracker Jacks at stadiums anymore? They still sell peanuts! This makes no sense to me.

  3. K: No, but I can say that’s awesome!

    Classy and Fab: It’s still as charming of a song as ever.

    Courtney: I think it’s a conspiracy by the peanuts and popcorn companies.

  4. Okay, I know I’m late to this game, but this entire contest is a sham, and so far none of the entrant should win, besides Branford Marsalis. Why?

    Because they ALL are singing the wrong words. All of them, except Marsalis, who did not sing.

    Take me out to the ball game, Take me out WITH the crowd. Buy me some peanuts and Cracker JACK…

    This troubles me, greatly. When Gammons got the words wrong, I was doubly shocked. Anyway, off the soapbox now. We won’t even get started on the the whole silliness of treating God Bless America like it’s the new national anthem at baseball games.

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