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MG minus 3.2 Posted on July 24, 200811 Comments

So I learned something interesting today in my Weight Watchers about losing weight. When most women lose weight, they lose it from top to bottom. In other words, it will show first in their face before showing in their chest and waist and stomach, etc. Funny, because a few hours before I learned that someone had commented on how they could tell I was losing weight because they could see it in my face.

On that note, my weight loss tally for the week (past two weeks I guess, since I didn’t weigh in last week) was:
-minus 3.2 pounds since the start of Weight Watchers
-minus about 6.9 pounds since I started keeping track

It wasn’t a lot: only 1.4 pounds down for the week. But the thing that makes me want to go run to the top of a mountain and shout is that I can both see and feel a difference. And it feels sooooooo good. I can see that I’m slimmer, and I can feel that my pants are feeling looser.

Tracking my food intake has gotten easier. I hated writing down everything when I started WW, but since I so often eat the same things over and over, I’ve got the WW points values memorized and have a much easier time planning my day’s meals out. I’ve stopped being so hungry from eating less food each day. I’m still eating the GOOD stuff: I’ve eaten about half of my ice cream birthday cake, just not in one sitting, and that’s called progress.

Most importantly, I feel better … healthier. For so long I felt like crap all of the time: sluggish, lethargic and just plain icky. Now, I have more energy and have been getting fewer headaches. My skin is clearer and my hair is shinier. My WW leader would say it’s all thanks to all the water I’m drinking daily, but I’m going to go ahead and assume it’s part of the overall package of eating healthier and losing weight.

I tried on the bridesmaid dress tonight. I tried taking a picture, but the photo didn’t accurately show how I felt, so it’s staying on my camera for now. It looks just the same as the last photo you saw of me in the dress, but it fits more appropriately. It slid right on and it hung (almost) just right.

After trying on the dress, I combed my closet, pulling out my favorite old items that I’ve been too scared to try on in the past year or two. There are the hot pink J. Crew chinos, the green capris, the baby blue shorts. None of those fit well enough to wear out in public, but this dress did:

It’s a vintage shift dress that I haven’t worn in over a year. The last time I wore it, it hung inappropriately to my rear end and my stomach despite the strategically worn slimming undergarments. Now it hangs just as it should, showing off my curves without clinging to them.

I’ve hung on to these select items for so long because of how I felt when I put them on. I felt hot, I felt unstoppable. When I couldn’t fit into them anymore I felt like a failure. Using clothing as a goal may seem shallow, but it’s that feeling of unstoppableness that I’m trying to recover. And I can almost feel it.


  1. That’s awesome! Good for you!

    That dress is amazing, and you look fantastic in it (although, I think it might look better with more of a pink lipstick). 🙂

  2. There are few things that feel as good as putting on one of your favorite items and having it fit just right. You go girl!

  3. Pretty dress!!

    I totally do not believe in the get rid of all clothes mantra. It’s not shallow. Whatever it takes to get you into the unstoppableness mindset the better.

    I have a dress and a pair of jean shorts from high school that I’m keeping for when I reach that size again. It probably will not be this year but it’s out there. Potentially. 🙂

  4. Congratulations! That dress looks great on you.

    I never lose weight in my face, no matter how hard I try. I wish I could, but stupid double chin never goes away.

  5. Allie: Thanks! I’m actually trying every trick in the try-to-look-skinnier book here. Hand on hip, knee bent. I’m thinking maybe a new hairstyle would help?

    Celtic Buffy and Fishing Around: It’s like recapturing your youth.

    Courtney: Yeah, I definitely don’t see the loss in my face, but then I’m not really looking at it that often 🙂

  6. Isn’t that best feeling? When you slip into something that you haven’t worn in a year? I’m on a track to lose 10lbs. The best is the fact you feel better – I’m motivated and running tonight!

  7. Hey sexy lady, love that dress! Congrats on the loss, every little bit is progress and should be celebrated.

  8. You look fab. Thanks for posting about your results because it really does help me want to stick to it.

  9. Love the dress and well done you! So pleased. Love finding clothes that I haven’t worn in ages and finding they fit again.

    *fingers crossed* for my photo next week 🙁

  10. I’m thinking really hard about starting WW next week like going to the meetings and everything. I’ve steadily gained weight since I got married 2 years ago and just can’t get motivated to lose it. I think getting on a scale every week in front of someone would be motivation enough. And maybe pants feeling looser 🙂 Let me know if you have any great tips about starting out.

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