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No love for witches, ghosts and mummies

No love for witches, ghosts and mummies Posted on October 26, 200815 Comments

Modern Friends, I come to you again for advice because you’re just so darn good with it.

But first, a fun time waster for the week. Feeling a bit Dr. Frankensteiny? You can create your own monster here and have it issue you some sort of greeting. It’s fun, try it!

Now, I have a confession to make. I suck at Halloween. Like big time suck at Halloween. I do really well at decorating my house, but it’s pretty much downhill from there. I have the hardest time coming up with costume ideas. I don’t completely mind going all-out if I have a good idea, but I tend to be a last-minute costume designer and don’t have the time to go all-out.

I think it’s just because I don’t get that jazzed about Halloween. I enjoyed going to the Modern Beau’s frat’s Halloween party in college, but those times have sorta passed me by. Modern Kristen and I gave up on trick-or-treating in seventh grade, deeming ourselves too old to be demanding candy of our neighbors, and I’ve sort of been over Halloween ever since.

The Halloween party the MB and I went to last year sucked, so I had all the intentions of the world to stay home this year and just hand out candy. I know Halloween is on a Friday night, but I just haven’t been feeling it this year. Well, the MB, being the social creature that he is, got a Halloween party invite for Saturday night (I know, Nov. 1? I’ve generally moved on to Thanksgiving by then).

And here’s the catch: the costumes are supposed to be something that starts with the letter “B.”

I’ve been pestering the MB to come up with an idea all month, and he hasn’t, so I turn to you because my uninclined butt is even more uninclined when given such letter limitation. Do you have any good suggestions for costumes that begin with the letter B? I’d ask for couple costume ideas, but at this point, I’ll take any good ones. Nothing too time consuming, because I really have no time to put into it at this point. And I don’t do naked costumes — you know the ones of which I speak.

Also, I want to hear about your costumes. (Because like Halloween or not, I still get really entertained by other people’s costumes.)


  1. I am lacking much creativity and motivation as well with a party to go to on the 1st. Hmmm…

    Bat, Baseball player, Ballerina, Basket case, Bond…Jane Bond…I usually look to movies, pop culture or politics to inspire something creative. You and MB Could go as Brangelina and tie a bunch of baby dolls to your bodies?

    Good luck!

  2. Are you guys interested in sorta matching? Betty and Barney Rubble!!!

    I’m going as Cleo(patra). Going where? I have no idea.

  3. Tee Shirts with the letter P on them, black makeup around one eye each – poof, voila…

    Blackeyed P’s!

  4. Oooh, Missy’s idea is brilliant! YOu could be a bowtie, or a bow, a babe, a bitch (ha!), a barrel, a bowling ball, a box, a book (oooh, you could have a ton of fun with that one…)

  5. My costume doesn’t start with a “B” but is still fun. I do goth makeup and wear my devil horns. That’s it. Easy peasy!

  6. I like the Brangelina and Black-eyed Peas!

    I’d suggest beetroot – since purple is a nice color.

    Or a breakdancer? You can wear hightops and show your moves!

    A bandaid? Or bag lady (that’s easy).

    Ok … I think I am having too much fun with this so will stop!

    I, alas, am not dressing up for Halloween since I will be traveling.

    Hope you have fun!

  7. We are generally very on the ball with Halloween because it is super fun to dress up, but somehow we never got motivated to prepare for a party we went to this weekend. The BF ended up going as Bristol Palin.

    He threw on one of my skirts, painted an old t-shirt to say My Mom for VP and shoved a pillow down the front. It would have been great if the party wasn’t so lame.

  8. Every year I think it’s going to be the year when I get really into Halloween, but alas. I actually prefer decorating generally for “fall” and wearing lots of orange shirts, because I like the way they look on me.

    For a while, I had a tee shirt that said, “this is my Halloween costume.” I wore that for a few years before my mom took it and never returned it.

  9. I think Chris is going as a Day of the Dead skeleton. Annnnnd…. that’s all we’ve got.

  10. I like the idea of going as someone famous whose name starts with B. Like Barney Rubble. Or Barbara Bush. Or Big Boy. Ooohh … Bubble Boy!

  11. I’m not sure if we decided we were too old, or if our parents decided we werent allowed to go anymore…

  12. I kind of skimmed the end of the post and missed the part about the B. I was going to say Sarah Palin, but that’s apparently not original anyway. If you had done that last year, though, you’d look like a Halloween genius right now.

    You could totally pull off Bryant Gumbel.

  13. you can be BIG BIRD! orange tights, a yellow furry jumper…. and MB can be Bert and wear a unibrow! haha

  14. I haven’t dressed up in years, and that makes me sad. But I won’t be able to this year.

    The last time I did, I bought some vampire teeth, wore black and had fun with the makeup. Easy, cheap costume.

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