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Blogger meetups!

Blogger meetups! Posted on November 15, 200811 Comments

Have you heard the news? There are dates and locations for both the 20-something bloggers meetup and the annual BlogHer conference. Now you can meet your favorite fellow bloggers to see if they’re half as cool in real life (I can assure you, The Modern Gal is not).

The 20sb meet up is scheduled for June 25-28 in Boston. And it’s not as exclusive as it sounds: the 30-somethings among you are welcome too. You can keep up with the details of the weekend at the 20sb meetup blog.

BlogHer is returning to Chicago this year. The conference is July 23-25 at the Sheraton downtown. You can find more information about the event here.

I’m trying to work out attending both. It’s going to be a money crunch, but it’s not like I don’t have time to save up for both and scout the airlines for affordable tickets. Anyone want to room with The Modern Gal?


  1. i would room with you in the Chicago! I’ll probably stay with pals in boston but i’d def. split a hotel in Chicago 🙂

    woo! yeah for both conferences!!! (i’m trying to make both – it’ll be tight with the wedding but doable since it’s not TOO expensive to get to boston)

  2. I really wanted to go to BlogHer next year but I have a feeling Chicago might be too expensive. I’m going to see how things are in the new year but if you’re still looking for a roomie then I’d love to split a room!

  3. I’m going to BlogHer in Chicago and would love to room with you. I know it’s no where near, but I’m SO excited!

  4. I can’t wait to go to BlogHer in Chicago and sleep in my own bed. I could be convinced to take on boarders too 🙂

  5. I might sneak over to Boston that weekend, but no matter what anyone says, I still feel like I’m two years too late to be a 20something.

  6. Thank you so much for posting these days. I knew the date of 20Somethings but completely forgot and almost just yesterday made conflicting plans!

  7. I’m too old for the 20 something, which is too bad b/c I’d totally drive out to Boston for it. I’d probably have to fly to Chicago though, and I can’t make plans like that right now. I wish they’d do Blogher in NYC. I’d be there in a heartbeat.

  8. BOSTON! No way! That’s so exciting! 🙂 I’ll have to plan my Balkans/Greece jaunt around that!

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