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Cause I’m making plans to leave

Cause I’m making plans to leave Posted on November 12, 20088 Comments

(Any Dolly Parton fans? Anyone?)

I’ve talked just enough about my career that I think everyone here knows I’m trying to determine what my next one will be and quickly. I’ve got a few ideas that I’ve been researching and sharing with some of my confidants to determine if it really is the right thing for me. The thing is though, I’ve thrown around plenty of ideas of what I could do with myself without taking any steps toward actually accomplishing any of those ideas.

As a few of you have pointed out, I love to organize things and make plans (I’m working on turning this into a marketable skill). And I’ve stumbled across two blogposts in the past few days that served as a sharp reminder that if I want to get anywhere with my ideas for a new career path, I need to sit down and set some basic goals and come up with a few plans. And then, I just need to go for it.

I wanted to share those posts with you, because I think they do well sharing a basic lesson:

Tomorrow I plan on sitting down and writing out a few basic goals for the next year and some steps I need to take to achieve them. And then, I’m just going to dive right in.

Do you have any goals you need to work on? What’s holding you back from tackling them?


  1. I clicked on a link on Allie’s site yesterday for a company that hires people to do home analysis too see if their home is green. That might work for you, and it’s a growth industry that’s likely to survive through this economy.

    But you asked about our goals. I just started thinking more seriously about that in the past few days. I still have no idea, but I know I want to make sure I can get a job if things go downhill really quickly.

  2. i have no goals but your post reminded me of the friends episode where chandler tells rachel to quit the coffeehouse because she needed “the fear” tp find a new job. just a thought…

  3. Figuring out what you want is the hardest part, I think. It’s great that you’re tackling that step already.

  4. I need to lose the last 12lbs but i love food too much

    I need to get the damp-proof done but i’m procrastinating over paying out so close to Xmas

    I need to get better goals 😉

  5. Oh, boy. Can of worms.

    I think I will go read those posts, though. I could definitely use some advice.

  6. I get in my own way a lot. I know what my goals are, but I need to just accomplish them instead of dealing with distractions. I’m really good at justifying my indulgence of distractions.

    Have you answered the what would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail question for yourself yet?

  7. Fantastic! Sometimes seeing it on paper helps put into perspective what you want and how to get there. Good luck!

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