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Lisha Lynn Mineral Cosmetics

Lisha Lynn Mineral Cosmetics Posted on November 11, 20085 Comments

For my 2008 New Year’s resolution I pledged that this year was going to be the year that I learned how to properly care for my face. For the first few months, I tried improving my skincare routine, purchasing all new makeup and new lotions and goo to use.

It worked a little bit. My skin wasn’t quite as rough as it had been thanks to more than a decade of acne problems and sun damage. So, I proclaimed it a mini-success and moved on.

I didn’t think of my resolution again until Alicia Redden, owner of Lisha Lynn Mineral Cosmetics, asked me about reviewing some of her products here at The Modern Gal. I’ve never really given mineral makeup a passing thought, mainly because I’ve just always stuck with the same old Cover Girl products. But I thought, why not. I’ll try her stuff out for a few days and just see how it works.

Well, forget a few days. I’ve been wearing Lisha Lynn’s mineral foundation for several weeks now and am hooked. It. Is. Awesome.

I’ve always worn liquid foundation because it seemed to give the best coverage on those days when the stress and PMS pimples are in full force. No one had ever been able to convince me otherwise. But I noticed how well the mineral foundation covered a small zit one day, so I tried using it when my job caused a big-ole honking one. Of course it didn’t cover it perfectly, but it certainly minimalized its appearance.

The foundation is so super-light that you hardly notice you have it on, and yet it covers your face so smoothly an evenly. The big bonus is that after about two weeks’ use, I noticed my skin was feeling softer than ever. Less acne too. (This may be a coincidence, but it seems more likely that my skin is less stressed out by the mineral makeup than regular drugstore makeup.)

Lisha Lynn’s eye makeup is fun too. It has the same benefits as the foundation — light, smooth and good-for-your-skin — and has a little bit of sparkle to it that catches the light and highlights your eyes. There are tons of colors too. Ditto on the blush.

I promise I’m not being paid to review Lisha Lynn products, but I do plan on buying more of the foundation and possibly some additional eye shadow colors. Everything Alicia offers is very reasonably priced. Lisha Lynn offers concealer, finishing powder, eyeliner, lip balm, makeup brushes (you will need them to apply most of the products) among other things. I have NOT sampled any of these products, so I cannot vouch for them.

I’ll be sharing more information about Alicia and Lisha Lynn and about mineral cosmetics in a later post, so stay tuned.


  1. Between your endorsement and Allie’s, I have no choice but to try out this makeup. Off to buy some Lisha Lynn!

  2. Yes! Another person who understands the importance of buying good makeup. And, good brushes. I recommend a few Aveda ones or Bobbi Brown.

  3. I have used Lisha Lynn make up for almost two years. It is so awesome. I developed allergies late in life and was allergice to every makeup that I tried. Not so with Lisha Lynn. It is an awesome product. I will never use anything else!!

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