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I’ve had a few days to get used to it

I’ve had a few days to get used to it Posted on January 15, 200910 Comments

I’ve found that one of my favorite movies, When Harry Met Sally, is a great movie to watch after a breakup. There are plenty of breakup scenes to relate to and it kind of leaves you feeling like there is still someone out there for you. The really weird thing is I swear my emotions are starting to mirror Sally’s after she broke up with her boyfriend of five years. I hope it has nothing to do with the fact that I have the script memorized. I guess this means that despite the fact that I’m feeling a lot better about this breakup, I’m going to eventually freak out and sleep with one of my guy friends whom I will eventually marry. Ok, probably not.

I know, you were probably hoping for the fake orgasm scene. Sorry.

But yes, you heard me right when I said I was feeling a lot better about the breakup. Or to quote Sally, “I’ve had a few days to get used to it, and I feel ok.” I’ve had a couple of major epiphanies in the past week or so that have made me accept that I’m likely going to come out of this ordeal a much better person. Hell, I feel like I’m a much better person anyway for having gone through both the relationship and the breakup. Still, there are some things I’m having to deal with in my head, like getting used to being single (though that’s not too hard thanks to my dominant independence streak) and getting used to the idea of him not being a part of my life (significantly harder).

I’ve been especially surprised at how good I’ve felt this week. Things that once bothered me — like my job — aren’t bothering me anymore. (That may have more to do with the way my work assignments change seasonally, but I’m going to go ahead and credit the breakup). I’ve been more motivated to interact with friends than I have been in some time. I’ve laughed and smiled a lot. It feels good. I feel light.

I had no problem the other day shoving all the rest of his stuff into a box to give to a mutual friend … or removing his key off my key ring … or taking him off speed dial … or deleting his Mii. It felt good.

I know I’m not completely healed. I still have moments where I panic. I still have moments where I’m haunted by the possibility that he was the one. I still have moments when I freak out about the future. But fortunately, they seem to be fleeting.


  1. I’m so glad you’re beginning to feel better, and see positives that have come out of this. I’m really impressed with how strong you’ve been.

    When Harry Met Sally kicks ass.

  2. OMG I watched When Harry met Sally SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many times in my 20’s it was ridiculous. It still stands as my favourite movie ever. There’s a lot of wise words in that film!

    And good on you for feeling strong! Bring on the dancing to cheesy songs phase!

  3. So glad to hear this! Maybe all the good vibes being sent to you by your readers is helping. Coupled with your innate awesomeness, of course.

    WHMS totally kicks ass.

  4. When Harry Met Sally is probably my favorite binky movie. It’s gotten me through many dark times, ranging from breakups to just a lousy week at work.

    Keep your chin up! You’re going to make it through intact. :O)

  5. You are doing so amazing. I envy your strength to be so damn independent!

    You have to ride the feelings like a wave.

  6. I’m delurking for several reasons. After searching for months for other Kville bloggers.. I’m glad I found you. I’m also glad you’re getting thru this tough time. To brighten your day (since you’ve brighten mine quite often).. I’ve given you a blog award! Stop by my blog to pick it up (Ugh.. that sounds soooo cheesy)

  7. Yay MG!

    (I may be the only dude who’s commented on this post and all I can come up with is “yay?” Lame.)

    So how ’bout them Ravens?!

    (Oh, right, that probably doesn’t add to your cheer.)

  8. I could watch that movie like 8 times in a row and still not be tired of it. And I love that scene. J and I call each other Sphinxy all the time.

    It’s awesome that you’re feeling better. I second Mickey’s cheer. You get a fresh start and that’s an awesome thing. It’s wonderful that you’re taking advantage of it.

  9. i glad you are starting to feel a little better.

    and as for the movie, i think i need to pop it in the dvd right now.

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