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Time out for sports

Time out for sports Posted on January 6, 20093 Comments

I would be totally remiss if I didn’t mention last night’s Fiesta Bowl today.

Ohio State, you almost — ALMOST — pulled off a moral victory by taking down to the wire a team that had every ax in the world to grind. But that said, you still let them beat you in the most embarrassing of fashion, just a slightly different kind of embarrassing than the last two BCS games you played in. Well played, Buckeyes.

Also, Mack Brown, you are an absolute idiot, dear sir, and a perfect example of everything I hate about Texas. For that statement alone, your team shouldn’t even be considered for the national title.

Ok, I just decided I’m tired of talking about these two teams.

(Cheers to EDSBS for video)


  1. I only wanted Texas to win because they are in the Big 12…and then, Mack Brown opened his mouth after the game…I hope Oklahoma wins, if for no other reason than to shut him the hell up.

  2. I was enjoying that dude with the mullet.

    And isn’t Mack Brown from Tennessee?

    No, I don’t have a point.

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