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It’s cool to count

It’s cool to count Posted on February 16, 20098 Comments

I don’t know if this has occurred to you yet, because it sure hadn’t occurred to me, but it’s 2009, which means it’s nearly time for the turn of the decade. Crazy, huh?

Why do I bring this up?

The Census Bureau is one of the few employers out there that actually seems to be doing some hiring — A LOT of hiring. My chosen industry is one of the ones that’s doing some hard-core suffering in these times of economic uncertainty. I’ve been more than a little concerned as to whether I’ll still be employed come time for my birthday in July.

This is my official back-up job now, I think. It’s a little random, but hello? The once-a-decade Census count! That’s like, so important. How else are we going to divvy up the House of Representative population? Or know that my hometown is the 18th largest city in the U.S.? (And 18 is my favorite number, so how about that?)

Search for jobs here, if you’re interested.


  1. I’m having trouble comprehending my hometown being much smaller than your hometown. And yet, the census tells me its true.

  2. Stop stalking me! I took the test for one of the jobs week before last. I can actually give you the skinny on how it works. I’ll e-mail you.

  3. Hmm I wonder what their benefits are like. I’m amazed they’re hiring, but not surprised by the rise in health care either.

  4. TutuGirl: Sometimes the city size thing can be misleading. If your hometown is the one I’m thinking of, it’s got a much larger metro area than mine.

    Alexa: Thanks!

    V: I think it varies, but I remember seeing something about $11 an hr in one story about it.

    BayJB: Good question.

  5. That would be kind of a cool job. My boss just called an impromptu meeting to start in an hour, and I’m worried it’s to announce layoffs. So this may come in handy for me.

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