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A love story Posted on March 20, 20094 Comments

One of the reasons I’ve struggled to fully return to the blogging scene this week is because I took a little weekend trip down to Atlanta to see my dear friend, Currer Bell, who was to be getting engaged to her man Hot Pants. Of course, she didn’t know she was about to get engaged.

Modern Friends, if you ever have a chance to somehow participate in a good friend’s engagement (in a not weird way, of course), DO IT.

I’ve never enjoyed watching something unfold as I enjoyed watching the build up to CB finding out the news. Of course, it nearly killed me having to keep such a humongous secret from someone whom I’d normally tell anything to. It didn’t help that at dinner the night before it happened, all Currer Bell could talk about was weddings. Her best friend’s wedding and, oh yeah there was this wedding, and oh we’re going to that wedding soon. I couldn’t barely keep a straight face and I could NOT look at Hot Pants. I was dying, DYING, I tell you. Nor did it help when she and I started chatting in the morning just minutes before it happened about what we would be doing later that day — she had no idea her plans were already made.

I had to physically stop myself several times from Twittering and Facebooking the news in the 12 hours prior to her engagement because I was having such a hard time holding it in. Of course that would have been awful as CB would have seen.

I can honestly say I’ve experienced very few things in life that I would say are more joyful than watching someone you love bound down the stairs one morning, squealing “I’m engaged!” with a smile that would light up all of Atlanta. Or dialing everyone in her phonebook to share. Or looking shocked when she arrived at brunch to find not the five people she expected but about 25 people she didn’t. Or being all googly eyed and cute with her man.

It really drove home the realization that I don’t want to settle in my own life for anything less than what the two of them share.

If you’re still with me, you should read her account of how he proposed. It’s really adorable.

And to Currer Bell and Hot Pants: I love you two so much, and I love you two together so much. I’ll wish you happiness and a fulfilling life together, but I know I don’t need to.

And in case you didn’t find anything in this post to love for yourself, try this on for size:


  1. love this. i have something on some-what the same lines. back at the end of feb. i was part of a wedding where i was not a bridesmaid. i read scripture, but along with another friend, we were the ones who stood on each side of the doors to the church to open them when the bride walked in. that moment, right before she walked down, when it was just her, her dad and the two of us, was simply breathtaking! and i’ll never forget it!

  2. Having taken place in what is now known as the Currer and Hot Pants Secret Love Maneuver along with the MG, let me just second the point that if you get a chance like this, take it. Way fun. 🙂

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