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It’s good to be better

It’s good to be better Posted on March 6, 200912 Comments

it’s been two months and some change since the Modern Ex and I broke up, and I feel like I need to tell the world that I’m OK. Like, really OK.

It surprises the crap out of me how much better I feel because two months ago I would have suspected that in a year and two months I would still be tormented about the end of that relationship. Am I over it? I don’t know, but I do know it’s not tormenting me. And it’s no longer the dominant event that my life is revolving around.

Hindsight really is 20/20, and in this case it may be even clearer. I’ve discovered a tremendous amount of clarity about my relationship with the Modern Ex in the past two months. I won’t get into all the details here because I never got into the inner workings of our relationship here when we were together, and I’m not going to start now. I will boil it down to this, though: we weren’t right for one another. I know why we got together. I know why we stayed together for so long. And now I know why we needed to break up.

In a way, the Modern Ex did me a huge favor by breaking up with me. He realized we weren’t right for one another, and he gave me a second lease on love by letting me go. I now have tremendous respect for him for that. That’s hard for me to admit, but it’s true. I should probably thank him, but I’m not quite to that point yet.

I’ve got a bag of his things that he left at my house and his house key. I had been planning on handing it all off to some mutual friends but hadn’t gotten around to it. Now I’m thinking about trying to give it to him in person as a sort of peace offering. I haven’t seen him in two months, and I don’t really want to see him for a significant amount of time quite yet, but I kind of want to make a gesture of peace. Kind of.

How did I get to this point so quickly? I don’t know. It kind of scares me that I did get here so fast, but I guess I just forced myself to think hard about the past five years. Really, really hard. And I had a few epiphanies.

Certainly my wonderful friends have helped. It’s been so refreshing to be around people who seem to understand me and share my interests and can make me laugh my head off. And I’ve got a manfriend (is that a technical term?) that always seems to appear when I need a smile and gives the kind of hugs that melt my heart.

I’m not going to say I’m healed. I still occasionally have moments when I freak out, though they’re fewer and farther between. The freak outs are rarely about anything specific, I think it’s just my soul still mourning the loss because any relationship that was old enough to be a kindergartner needs to be mourned when it’s through.

Still, I feel better, and that feels good. I feel like a tremendous weight has been lifted from me. And for the first time in quite some time I feel what it is to be happy.


  1. I’m glad you’re doing so well. I think there is a world of difference between being better and being over the relationship. You certainly don’t need to be over it to be better. Hell, you can be in another great relationship and not be completely over it. The fact that those relationships leave such big imprints is what makes us human.

  2. I am so glad you are feeling so good. Break ups are hard, no doubt about it, and the longer you were together the harder it gets.

    Does this mean we are going to start hearing some funny (for us) dating stories?

  3. kick ass! love this.
    love the “old enough to be a kindgergartner” line A LOT.

  4. I’m so glad to hear this. It takes a tremendous amount of strength to admit to yourself (and the public, no less) that in the end, this breakup was a good thing for everyone involved, even though it was so painful. You deserve to find the person that’s 100% right for you, and now you’re free to find him. Yay!

  5. Tutu: You are wise beyond your years, gal.

    Dutchess: The dating thing is something I’m going to have to address in a future post. The short answer is, I don’t know.

    Angie: Can you imagine the two of us with a five-year-old kid running around? I picture him to be bald.

    Noodles: Indeed.

    Courtney: I take comfort in that last thought every single day. Also, I find it terribly amusing and sweet that you and Mickey managed to be commenting at the exact same time.

    Mickey: I think you may be on to something. You think there’s a market for that in this economy?

  6. Friends are the best, they are there to hold your hair if you’ve had too much to drink and there to help you recover from a broken heart.

  7. Modern Gal, I’m so glad to hear you’re doing better. I also just went through a break-up. Though I was the initiator, it was still hard. I definitely was still very much in love, just realized he wasnt THE one. And I didn’t anticipate or realize how miserable I would feel…it was mind-numbingly painful, as I’m sure you understand. But it is a great feeling to see the light, to see the hope to feel better. It’s definitely a new lease on life and love. And that can be kind of exciting, no? I am so glad to hear you are doing better. and Tutu, wow that was really inspirational, you are certainly very wise. Thanks for those kind words…

  8. I’m about 4 months on from being on the other side of the equation, and I couldn’t be happier. Love has a way of springing eternal, which is helpful.

    As for the exchange of stuff, do what feels most comfortable, when it feels comfortable. I guess that’s a good rule for all things.

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