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In other hairbrained news

In other hairbrained news Posted on May 20, 20097 Comments

… I’m now training for a triathlon. I’m blaming this one on Noodles.

Noodles decided on the event of her 28th birthday that she was going to register for a triathlon that’s only two months away, despite not having begun training. She said she was crazy, and I concurred but volunteered to train alongside her (well, as much as I can be alongside her with her living in Chicago). I’ve mentioned before that I wanted to do a sprint (ie shortest possible kind of) triathlon. In fact, I had had my eyes on one scheduled for this weekend until I realized it coincided with my uncle’s wedding that I’m attending in Memphis.

I figured, why not? I want to see Noodles succeed, and I need something to aim for that will keep me motivated to workout on a near-daily basis. It’s a 200-yd swim in a pool, 9-mile bike and 5k run. I’ve done each of these at some point in my life, I’ve just got to put them all together. I ran 3.5 miles last night, so I just need to run a little farther to get my endurance up. The gym I attend has a pool where I can swim laps. The bike is a little tricker since I don’t have one in my possession at the moment, but I just may bring my old one back from Memphis this weekend.

I’ve got my eye now on this Aug. 8 race. It can be my last hurrah of the summer before my schedule gets busy again. I’m not going to register until late next month, just to be sure I can keep up a training schedule.

Anyway, wish us luck. Also, if you have any triathlon training tips, please, please, please do not hold back on me.


  1. Good luck!! I really want to do this too. I got a bike (and did 30 miles last weekend — beginning of bike season… wha?!), LOVE to swim (I was pretty fast in my prime), and can probably pull 3.5 running miles out of my ass.

    I need to find one around the Cleve. Maybe I’ll remotely train with both of you… excuse me – “y’all.” 😉

  2. Yay Mel! Yay Modern Gal! My goal in all of this is to simply not die.

    My swim is 800 m. and it’s a 12 mile bike, plus the 5K. Everyone tells me the swim is the hardest part, but I’m personally scared shitless of the run. I’ve decided I’d happily walk the 5K, but would love to jog PART of it.

    So yes, train virtually with us! Also, anyone have any idea on how to keep blonde highlights blonde when you’re logging laps in a pool?

  3. Good luck, MG and Noodles! I am lazy, so I have no triathlon tips for you. But I will send you good thoughts.

  4. I don’t have the best bike in the world, but you can borrow it if you want.

    My suggestion for training is do speed work at least once a week, especially for running. the speed work will strengthen your overall endurance. I would love to run or swim with you at any time, if you want a buddy.

  5. that is so awesome!!!!

    I agree with Em, do a speed workout once/week.

    I did intervals – so 4×800 or something like that with a 400m rest period to help train for my marathon, i noticed a significant difference in my endurance this past weekend at the 10k i ran – Runners world has some great speed workout suggestions 🙂

  6. That’s fantastic! I wish you and Noodles all the best in good training and a successful event!

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