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JT: destined to bring sexy back

JT: destined to bring sexy back Posted on May 11, 200910 Comments

Ok, we all know the Modern Gal loves her some Justin Timberlake, so she was mega disappointed to learn that he hosted SNL this weekend and she had NO IDEA until Sunday morning. Gah, internets, you let me down 🙂

Yes, there was a new digital short by the same guys that did ‘Dick in a Box.’ This one is ‘Motherlovers‘ and it’s so funny. It’s also so wrong, which is why I won’t embed it here. We have standards here at The Modern Gal (albeit somewhat low ones). There was also this pretty funny skit.

I will embed this skit, however:

So he’s basically saying that he slept with Britney, and he experimented with a little man-on-man action too? Oh, Justin.

Also showing up for SNL were the guys from Star Trek, which the Modern Fella and I went to see this weekend and IT WAS AWESOME. Go see it! While some cursory knowledge of the Star Trek franchise is useful, you certainly don’t have to be a Star Trekkie to like the movie. It has a decent plot that’s easy enough to follow, the action and special effects are fairly well done, there’s just enough humor and the actors aren’t too hard on the eyes either, am I right ladies?

I am curious to know what the true Trekkies think, so if any of you are one and have seen the movie, please let me know what you thought.


  1. I adored the movie, but I wouldn’t consider myself a true Trekkie. More like a wannabe.

  2. I’m glad to hear Star Trek is good. I’m headed out to see it sometime this week.

    I stayed up to watch SNL specifically for JT, and I have to confess: As much as I want to dislike someone who was once in a boy band, that dude is talented. Singing and dancing in nearly every skit, perfect comic timing, contributing to the music act — one of the best overall SNLs I’ve seen in a while. It appears I’ve jumped on the JT bandwagon.

  3. I loved, loved, loved, loved, loved that movie. It was so good! Kudos to JJ Abrams for not ruining the Star Trek franchise.
    I thought it was perfectly cast, and the CG was really frickin’ amazing. The jokes were funny without being goofy.
    And now we have a whole other alternate timeline to explore without bumping into the other Star Trek stuff!

  4. I kind of love and simultaneously hate the alternate timeline. I love it because it gives a little more creative license (and the whole beaming from warp situation is now possible decades earlier than in the canon, which is a nice plot benefit)

    I hate it, because my first love is The Next Generation, and I fear that the new reality will somehow let them mess that up.

    That said, I too applaud J.J. for not screwing it up, and for actually doing a really good job. My favorite part was the banter between the crew — it’s a wonderful thing.

  5. Sorry it took so long, but the internet service in my parents’ basement is slow as a result of interference from my homemade warp drive. (you can call me Zefram Cochrane.)

  6. I saw Star Trek last night, and although I’m not a Trekkie in the least bit, I went with one, and he loved it! I thought it was great – perfect casting, beautiful music, and it was visually great. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a good kick-off to the summer blockbusters.

  7. JT SO needs to be on SNL more often. I haven’t seen that skit yet but MotherLover was GENIUS. SO funny.

  8. I’ve been a Trekkie since the first episode aired in 1966 when I was 15. I loved the movie. Loved loved loved loved. I have already seen it twice and plan on going again soon. Very happily surprised!

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