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Now for two completely unrelated topics

Now for two completely unrelated topics Posted on May 1, 20096 Comments

Next question for interview week (which I’ve determined may become weeks as I have more questions than I have time to get to this week) comes from NPW — or NP-Dubs as I prefer to say: I’d like to hear more about the Modern Dating, but I know you’ve said you’re not going to reveal much here. So… I’d like to know how you feel about the new Caprica series. I’m going to start watching it tonight!

Hmmm, a kinda two-pronged approach with completely unrelated prongs. I guess I’ll take the second one first, and here is my confession: I haven’t seen a lick of Battlestar Galactica yet. I know, I KNOW. So many of my bloggy friends watched it that I always felt I was missing out — especially when the talk turned to cylons. I don’t know what the heck a cylon is, but I wanted to know who or what the last cylon was!

I do know that the Caprica pilot went straight to DVD, and here’s something that came to my mind when I first found that out: I used to hate when movies went straight to video, but I love the idea of a TV show going straight to DVD because most of my TV viewing these days is done through DVD or On Demand. I finally got DVR a few weeks back, but I keep forgetting that I have it.

So, add Battlestar Galactica and Caprica to my list of shows to-watch-on-DVD, which also includes LOST, seasons 3&4 of Entourage (I’m too cheap to get HBO), Mad Men, the Wire and the Office. Before you freak out — yes, I’ve seen the Office, I just haven’t watched the episodes in order, so I intend to sit down and do that.

Ok, about Modern Dating. I’m happy to say it’s going swimmingly. The Modern Fella* is a wonderful guy, and I love spending any time with him that I can get. Because we’ve both been busy with work and travel most of that time of late has been low-key, which I kinda prefer but it does not an interesting blog post make.

But the blogworthy dates are fun, and really, why am I even dating if I’m not doing so for the best interest of the MG blog? (kidding, kidding). The previous blogworthy dates were completely unintentional, but we’ll try to make something interesting happen sometime in the near future (ahem, MF) and I will report back here. If not, I’ll just make something up, and I’m guessing you won’t know the difference anyway.

*I’m trying that on for size, what do you think? I think I like the abbreviation.


  1. Ha! The MF. I like it!

    I don’t know if I have any interest in seeing Caprica. I loved B-star, but hated the end.

  2. I like the moniker!

    For some reason I thought you were as into BSG as the rest of the MG crew. But lucky for you, now you have the WHOLE SHOW in its entirety to watch! I recommend skipping the end though. Like Allie said: hated.

    But oh, Caprica. It’s so good.

  3. The MF! Awesome. He is a very nice guy. I’m glad it’s going well.

    I also have not ever seen BG. I’ll get around to it one day, but right now my Netflix queue is full of TV shows. I love Lost, Entourage, Mad Men and The Office, though.

  4. Hey- how ’bout them Cards?

    (You can count this as an interview question if you like; I was just catching up on sports and discovered you must be having a pretty happy start to the season.)

  5. I have also not watched Battlestar Gallactica and honestly I have no idea if I will. Just a little too sci fi for me.

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