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Gelato Sunday Posted on September 28, 20096 Comments

I apologize in advance for any vomit-inducing qualities to this post.

The Modern Fella and I tried the new gelato store downtown for the first time a couple of weeks ago and were instantly hooked. Gelato is the superior Italian older sibling to ice cream. It’s smoother and creamier and the flavor tends to be more intense and creative. (It’s also fewer calories, so you know, bonus.)

After that first trip, the MF has been seeking gelato goodness morning, noon and night. He’s talked about making a breakfast trip a few times (hasn’t happened yet). He turned to me last Friday and said, ‘You know what today is?’ I guessed Friday. ‘No, Gelato Friday!’ And then it was Gelato Saturday. Yesterday just happened to be Gelato Sunday, so I guess this is turning into Gelato September.

Anyway, not the point.

At Coolato Gelato, you can sample any of the flavors before committing to one or two of them because they’re always changing out their flavors and they carry some unusual ones like blood orange or pumpkin pie. The MF and I have been sampling at least two or three flavors each time before ordering. He’s really good about testing only half of his dime-sized sample and then offering me the rest to try for myself.

So we were sitting there side-by-side on Gelato Sunday watching the employees clean up and prepare to close up shop when one last couple strolled in to have their own Gelato Sunday celebration. And like the MF, the man tried a little bit of his sample, and then fed the rest to his wife.

‘Awww, it’s so cute when couple share their gelato samples with each other,’ I said. Then I paused and realized we were that couple too, and tacked on for good measure: ‘I bet we’re just as cute when we do it.’

‘Of course we are,’ he said as he fed me some of his chocolate gelato and then planted a kiss on my gelato-smudged lips.


  1. Aww, this makes me miss Florence! When I was studying there, I had gelato every day. And pretty much every single one of my classmates did as well. (No wonder my sister started calling me Heavy K then.) There isn't much good gelato in Boston, so I'll live vicariously through you for a bit…

  2. Very adorable. I didn't even gag. I love sharing stuff like that with friends. A new gelato place opened up by me and I still haven't gone to check it out.

  3. i'm just now getting around to reading this…cute! i'll have what she's having… šŸ™‚

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