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Sometimes houseguests smell after just one night

Sometimes houseguests smell after just one night Posted on October 8, 20095 Comments

The Modern Roomie, Modern Fella and I were standing in the front yard chatting last night when a car stopped and the man and boy inside asked us if we’d seen a black pug. We hadn’t, and didn’t think to ask these people were they lived or what their phone number was on the off chance we did see the pug.

The Modern Roomie decided to take Lucydog for a walk, and lo and behold she came home announcing she had seen the pug and was going to take her car back to the corner where the little pug was camped out, obviously confused about where it was. It was cute with its little pug face and wheezy breathing and kind of curled up in the Modern Fella’s arms.

We drove around for the next 20 minutes looking for the man and the boy, hoping to flag them down and return their dog. When that didn’t work, we split up … I drove around, the Modern Roomie camped out on the porch with the dog. Still, nothing. Meanwhile, Juicycat wanted to pounce on the pug and Lucydog kept looking at it apprehensively.

As it got late, we knew it was a lost cause for the night. We printed flyers, but because it was A. dark, B. supposed to rain overnight, we knew it was futile to hang them around the ‘hood before the morning. I tweeted a message about the dog and posted a message on our neighborhood e-mail listserv, but still nothing.

The thing about having a strange dog as an overnight houseguest when you have two humans and two animals already around means someone is going to be whining about the sleeping arrangements. Lucydog would have nothing to do with the pug in my bedroom, so the Modern Roomie tried keeping it in her room at first but ended up putting it in the bathroom because of its constant crying.

Let’s just say it was a long night, and neither one of us got much sleep. We kind of just stared at it like zombies as it ran around the house this morning. We put the flyers up and found the owners within an hour.

“I was kinda disappointed,” the Modern Roomie said tonight. “I was sort of hoping she’d be here when I got home from work today.”
“But you also didn’t really want to spend another night with her,” I said.
“Absolutely not,” she said.

The moral of the story brought to you by extreme fatigue is: make sure you ask those people looking for missing pugs where you can find them.


  1. OMG pug whining was the least of your worries. You should have waited until it settled down and started SNORING!

  2. Ha ha. Oh boy, she was sweet, but it's just as well she's gone because that would have driven me crazy.

  3. One of my friends in high school used to call and put his pug on the phone. It was disturbing. But they are cute.

  4. Pugs are very attached to their owners, so she was probably very lonely. Good thing she made it home.

  5. Hey, it's Fran, friend o' NPW. That was very nice of you all to take the dog in for the night. Your moral of the story reminded me of the Flight of the Conchords episode where Brett and Germaine both fall in love with this woman who is looking for her lost dog (a dog with epilepsy no less), and they eventually find out the dog has been missing for 6 years. Hilarity ensues. Glad you found the owners before 6 years passed!

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