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Looking for my bootstraps

Looking for my bootstraps Posted on February 16, 201010 Comments

Maybe it’s because work has kicked my ass since the calendar turned to 2010. Maybe it’s because the sun has forgotten where to find Knoxville (I love all the snow we’ve been getting, I just want sun on the non-snowy days). Maybe it’s because NBC’s Olympic coverage has big-time sucked. Maybe it’s because the free time I thought I would have during my upcoming trip to visit the company’s mothership in NYC seems to have gotten screwed up. Maybe it’s because I haven’t been able to spend much time around my own house ever since the Lucydog and the Modern Roomate’s cat decided to stop getting along and the dog got relocated to the Modern Love Machine’s apartment.**

Whatever the reason — and I suppose it’s a combination of all the aforementioned — I haven’t been feeling myself lately. I’ve lost motivation to work out, to blog and to be social. I’m dressing like a slob. I have a hard time getting to work at a decent time, and it’s taking me forever to slog through a few work projects that have been hanging over my head for quite some time.

The good thing is, I recognize I’m off my game, and I have a pretty good idea of how to get back on.

I had hoped to get to the YMCA before work this morning. I didn’t, but I resolved to do a few small things that might make me feel better. I put on a nice sweater and knee-high boots. I went through my full makeup routine and even put on lipgloss (usually reserved for formal occasions). I also put together a big mixed greens salad topped with apples, avacados and gorganzola cheese to eat with my leftover slice of Hawaiian pizza. Baby steps. Baby steps which still made me late for work, but baby steps nonetheless.

Tomorrow I WILL go to the YMCA. I don’t have to work until tomorrow evening, so I have no excuse. I’ll also eat another nice lunch. Take that crappy mood!

I also know I have NYC to look forward to. I’ll have to work some really crummy hours while I’m there, but I should still have the daytime to explore restaurants, shops and NYC’s lovely outdoor spaces. The change of scenery will probably do me some good.

I’ve been here before, and I recognize my urge to want to retreat from the world but I’m fighting it. In the mean time, please forgive me for any cranky posts or comments on your own blog or lack of posting. And if you’ve got any tips for what helps you when you’re off your game, I’m all ears.

**I do know for sure that the MLM is not part of the problem here. We had a lovely Valentine’s Day dinner he made himself — Salad, fresh veggies and perfectly seared filet mignon. The cupcakes he got from a local bakery were delicious too. It was the perfect V-Day: not a big deal, but still nice.


  1. I've been feeling a little off lately too. I think winter doesn't help that either. I do some of the same things you do – try to get a good meal in and primp a little (even if I'm just working at home). Sometimes I just need a reminder of what feeling good feels like.

    Glad you had such a great V-Day!

  2. Oh! I also buy myself really good herbal tea – not too much money spent, no calories, but it feels indulgent, and that's important.

  3. I totally hear you on the ass kicking at work. Seriously. But I love your plan to turn the mood around, sounds like a good one!

  4. Chalk it up to this miserable February. Spring is just around the corner!

    Why do you think the Olympic coverage has sucked so much? Just curious.

  5. great plan to turn the mood around – and let me know when you're in NYC, if you have time perhaps we can meet up for drinks or whatevs – I'm only a train ride away!

  6. I've been cranky too, but I blame it solely on February. You know what helps me? Buying shoes. Really. You should try it.

  7. Sorry you've got a case of the blahs. Hopefully they will pass soon. Your salad and pizza sounds delicious, though, and I do think New York is a treat no matter what the circumstances. So maybe you are right: baby steps. And I am the exact same about lip gloss too. Can NOT do lipstick and lip gloss is for special occasions. Ha!

  8. 2010 has not been great for me either so far. Hubby had back surgery and is in lengthy rehab. Pipe froze, burst, and ruined guest bedroom requiring extensive repairs. And, worst of all, a friend suddenly passed away last week leaving a gaping void in our brunch group and in my life. Your post helped me by making me know others are struggling, too. Hang in. And so will I.

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