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Modern Gal Musical Mission 2011

Modern Gal Musical Mission 2011 Posted on May 9, 201125 Comments

I’m one of those people for whom songs are tightly associated with a memory or a specific period in my life — perhaps everyone is one of those people? The theme of the song usually has nothing to do with the memory itself, it’s just a soundtrack. A random spin of my iTunes playlist reveals “I Ran” by Flock of Seagulls which makes me think of sitting on a beach in Destin, Florida, one summer of high school … “Brian Wilson” by the Barenaked Ladies, which reminds me of a really rainy Tuesday night when I went to a local bar to have a few drinks with my old roommate … “You Oughta Know” by Alanis Morrisette, which reminds me of summer camp in middle school … and “The Mystery Zone” by Spoon, which reminds me of those two weeks I lived and worked in NYC last year.

Those memories are a mix of significant and mundane, but they all stir up strong emotions nonetheless. These days I don’t seem to create as many song-memory associations because I’m often horrible at making myself discovering new music. I don’t listen to current radio very often, so what I do find is usually a result of the internetz bringing it to my attention.

I don’t know that I’ve ever tried to preplan an association of music and memories, but I can’t help but think that wedding of ours that’s less than six weeks away and all the events that precede it is something that I’m going to want associated with music. I want to hear a song five years from now and feel whatever it is I’m going to be feeling over these next few weeks. So forced association it is.

Enter my fabulous blog friends. Several years ago — oh God, three years ago? — I held my first annualish Modern Gal Musical Mission because I needed some new tunes in my rotation. It was probably the best thing I’ve ever done in association with this blog. I asked the readers for some song suggestions and then burned them on a CD just before I took off for a road trip to D.C., and that music has stuck with me ever since and, of course, makes me think longingly of that road trip to D.C. I’ve done two other music missions since, and they were both successful at adding songs — and memories — to my playlist.

Therefore, YOUR MISSION, should you choose to accept, is to suggest in a comment on this post ONE SONG (and one song only) that you are loving right now and you think needs to be on my playlist. There is no theme to this playlist, just pick a song you love. The newer and more upbeat, the better, but whatever you’ve got is fine because variety is good.

I will download every song that’s suggested and make a playlist out of it probably the week before Memorial Day so I can digest it on my drive to Memphis for my bridal shower and get-last-minute-shit-done weekend with the Modern Mom. I will continue to listen up to June 18th and probably on the airplane to our honeymoon destination (Have I not mentioned where we’re going? Oh, I guess I’ll get around to that 😉 )

I’ll probably even burn a copy or two on a CD to be sent to a randomly selected blog friend or two who suggests a song, although no promises that will happen any time before the end of July.

Let’s hear what you’ve got!


  1. Seriously love this idea. I’m always looking for new music. I may have to “borrow” the idea.

    My song suggestion: “Awake My Soul” by Mumford and Sons (definitely new-ish and though it starts slow, it gets very upbeat in towards the middle/end.)

  2. “I’ve Never Done Anything Like This” Bowling for Soup.

    Simply because every girl says it at some point. And it’s always funny.

  3. Ha! “I Ran” came on my iPod as I was crossing the line for my half last week. Fitting!

    Hmm, what am I loving…everything Bruno Mars, everything Taylor Swift (as always…”Long Live” is my absolute favorite off her “Speak Now” album), Adele’s new album is AWESOME (“Rolling in the Deep” if you have to pick just one song), Christina Perri’s “Jar of Hearts,” Pixie Lott’s cover of “Use Somebody,” I could think of dozens more…

    So my one song would be “Long Live” with a second place going to “Rolling in the Deep.” =)

    1. I know how much you absolutely love Taylor Swift, and I think she’s adorable … but I’m going to go with Adele because I’ve been meaning to download Rolling in the Deep. I hope that’s OK?

  4. This one is… not new at all. I think it may be close to 15 years old. But for 15 years it has been one of my favorite summertime “roll down the windows and drive a little too fast while my hair blows around and I feel slightly like I’m in a music video” songs. And who doesn’t love that feeling?

    “Dizzy” by Green Apple Quick Step.


  5. Oh man, this is hard. So many songs that I want to suggest to you! I will go with Franz Ferdinand – Outsiders. If you want more suggestions just let me know. 🙂

  6. Oh man, I’m SO not a music girl! I listed to top 40 and that’s about it!! I know it’s not much of a wedding song, but I love “All for believing” by Missy Higgins. If nothing else, listening to it will help calm your nerves as you deal with last minute wedding shit 🙂 Very soothing voice!

  7. Let Me BeYour Man by The Cog is Dead.
    Amazing album all around!
    Amazon has it.

  8. What a fun idea!
    “Hold Me” by Jamie-Grace feat. tobyMac – it’s a little bubble-gummy but fun!

  9. I’m sure you already know this song, but in honor of your upcoming nuptials: Marry You by Bruno Mars. But if you’re a fan of Glee (who isn’t?) their version is awesome as well! The episode in which they sing and dance down the aisle to it is one of my favs!

  10. Sorry – can’t do just one song. I’ve got three suggestions:
    Turning Tables – Adele
    1901 – Phoenix
    Beach House – Norway

  11. Concerto for 2 Violins, Strings and Continuo in D Minor, BWV 1043, by J.S. Bach. Will blow your mind. (I’m only quarter-joking here.)

  12. Stone Rollin’ – Raphael Saadiq

    and a bonus

    Changing – The Airborne Toxic Event

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