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2008 Election Night Drinking Game

2008 Election Night Drinking Game Posted on October 30, 200824 Comments

Apparently Americans like to drink because I’ve been getting tons of hits from people who have Googled “election night drinking game.”

With Election Night only a few days away, I turned to the Modern Beau, connoisseur of all things political commentary, to help me come up with a few rules for your Tuesday night election return viewing pleasure.

  • Every time the term “battleground state” is uttered, take a drink.
  • Every time young voters and Obama are referenced in the same breath, take a drink.
  • Every time McCain and Bush are referenced in the same breath, take a drink.
  • Every time John King thinks he’s John Madden trying to illustrate something on his CNN magical board, take a drink.
  • Every time a pundit says “The race was really over when …” or some variation, take two drinks.
  • Every time a battleground state is called for one candidate or the other, the first person to yell “Joe Sixpack” gets to distribute six drinks among as many people as they would like. If you’re drinking alone, you might as well drain your drink. It’s going to be a long, lonely night.

What rules would you add?


  1. I like the Joe Sixpack Uno Shout.
    Still working on other ideas as well to fit with CNN international coverage…

  2. Take a drink every time a clip is shown of John McCain making quotations with his fingers to illustrate sarcasm.

  3. Every time someone says “the polls have just closed…” the first person to properly name a state the polls closed in gets to assign a drink to one other person.

  4. I like that last rule for the loners.

    Maybe take a drink every time a live feed is shown from a polling place in Ohio or Pennsylvania.

  5. Every time you hear, “now this is just based on early returns, but we feel confident we can call {state X} for {candidate.}”

  6. I would like to add a drink for each of the following:
    Each time “fundamentals” is used.
    Each time a member of Palin’s family is mentioned.
    Each time “campaign” is said.
    And 2 for Each time they show a clip of Chicago and the Obama campaign gearing up for their election night party.

  7. Darth: Hmmm, I’m afraid I’m not familiar with CNN’s international coverage, but if you’ve got any ideas please share.

    Cait: Or everytime he has that weird sneer/smile?

    Dutchess: A bonus drink to be assigned if you can name the state’s capitol city.

    Mickey: The MB thinks about these loners. He’s a people person. That’s a solid rule, too.

    Noelle: Also solid.

    Babymaker: I think you’re going to be sending people to the hospital.

  8. take a drink everytime Obama’s race, McCain’s age, Palin’s hotness or Biden’s gaffing is mentioned

  9. Take a drink every time the phrase “the math” is used. As in: “From here, the math gets hard for John McCain” or “The math in North Carolina gets hard for Barack Obama…”

  10. Social (to celebrate) every time your candidate of choice wins a state; finish your drink every time the other candidate wins a state (to drown your sorrows).

  11. Dave: Jello Shots? You’re more ambitious than I.

    English: Oh goodness. I think that one will have me tanked before they even call Texas for McCain.

    Dchero: That’s a very, very good one. I know plenty of journalists, and their math isn’t too sound.

    Stephanie: It’s not that any of us need to be told to drink, it just adds to the festive nature.

    Dan: You just hit on my biggest journalistic pet peeve: adding -gate to anything to signify controversy. Watergate was an office building, not a combination of Latin terms.

    David: That’s a good one. I think any use of the magic walls warrants drinking. It’s just so football-esque.

    Nancy: Love it.

    Jaime: Thanks!

  12. If Obama makes a mistake will he ever be held accountable for anything? Will his administration have any Accountability at all? He’s President not a Messiah. This hero-worship reminds me of the people who worship Jim Jones.

    I hope that when the Kool-Aid and hero-worship ends people actually remember this is a President and not a Movie Star. I doubt it will happen though.

  13. Anonymous #1: For reals, it’s insane!!

    Anonymous #2: You are off-topic, sir or madame. This post is about booze, not Obama or McCain. No soup for you!

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