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The Modern Mom needs a hobby

The Modern Mom needs a hobby Posted on November 20, 20085 Comments

… or why I have an occasional shopping problem.

Setting: Me, in the office, looking at my Treo at a four-hour-old text message from the Modern Mom that reads: Call me on my cell when you get a few minutes.

I dial The MM on the phone.
MM: Yo.
MG: Yo. Is there some way I can be of assistance? (yes, this is really how we talk to one another)
MM: Oh, it’s too late now. I was at Macy’s, taking part in one of those rare (sarcasm) One-Day Sales that they have.
MG: Yes, I’m aware. Macy’s advertises on my local TV stations, even thought we don’t have one in town. It’s absolute TORTURE.
MM: That is torture. Well, I wanted to take advantage of the sale to buy you a new purse like you wanted for Christmas, but I couldn’t remember exactly what brand you were looking at, so I thought I’d just call.
MG: Sorry, I just noticed I had a text from you.
MM: It’s ok, but since I couldn’t remember which kind of purse you wanted, I had to do something with myself so I bought myself a few things.
MG: Naturally.


  1. i love that your mom texts you too! (Not that your mother texts me — my mother texts me.) We have similar conversations, but less Macy’s, more PetSmart.

  2. This sounds exactly like my mother, except she doesn’t know how to use her cell phone.

  3. my mom texts me all the time, but i love it b/c im not a huge phone talker. moms are great, moms buying purses are the best!

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