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Time to plan that Christmas meal

Time to plan that Christmas meal Posted on December 22, 20089 Comments

Because I know someone actually used my list of Thanksgiving menu ideas to determine her Thanksgiving dinner menu, here’s a list of Christmas meal ideas.

Christmas does seem a little bit harder to come up with a menu since you don’t have the go-to menu of turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, etc. My family tends to have the same thing each year though with the centerpiece being a Honeybaked ham. I could eat Honeybaked ham every day for probably three weeks and not get tired of it. Does your family have a Christmas meal tradition?

Modern friends, I’m off to Memphis to spend the week with my family and whatever friends I stumble across along the way. I will be keeping a light blogging schedule this week, perhaps a post a day. I certainly know what it’s like to have to work through the Christmas holiday, and I know it gets especially boring when there’s nothing to read or no one to talk to on the internets.

One Christmas Eve at work I found myself cleaning out two years’ worth of e-mail out of my inbox and watching A Christmas Story marathon on TBS. I hope none of you have to work this holiday, but if you do, I hope you’re not that bored.


  1. Our family always does baked ham with pineapple. But I haven’t partaken in that ritual since I got food poisoning from ham in the early 90’s, and went inadvertently kosher. From then on it was a slippery slope towards my current full-fledged vegetarianism.

    Thanksgiving was such a success (thanks for your part!) that we’re doing pretty much the same thing for Christmas, with a few variations. I just finished writing up the excel spreadsheet with all the planning, as a matter of fact…

  2. Yay for not working on Christmas Eve! As a matter of fact, I’m not working today either, so tomorrow will be my last day until the 5th.

    My family’s meal traditions are kind of over the top, so we do a roast beef, a ham, and a turkey on Thanksgiving. But that’s for, like, 15 people…

  3. As Canadian thanksgiving is in October there is sufficient recovery time for Christmas. Husbando and I have a LOAD of english traditions that have to be met. Here's some:

    – Cold smoked salmon on buttered bread with champagne while cooking commences
    – Chipolatas (small sausages) wrapped in bacon
    – Sage & Onion Stuffing
    – Sausage meat stuffing
    – A very large turkey who must be called George
    – Bread sauce
    – Roasted potatoes (including very crispy bits for me)
    – Brussels sprouts (this year with bacon)
    – Christmas pudding & brandy butter
    – Large cheese plate that doesn't get tucked into until very late

    This year we're also adding maple roasted parsnips, and braised carrots!

  4. Usually Christmas and Thanksgiving have the same menu but this time I’m cooking and we are having a Middle Eastern themed meal.

  5. Speaking of holiday planning, check out this site –

    Um, I have to confess, I sorta kinda know someone who was integral to the process of making the site, but I’m still blown away by how awesome it is.

    We’re having turkey and I’m still not sure about sides yet.

  6. we do ham balls. tres excellent. would love to run into you but we migrated to nashville/pickwick for the holiday! kudos for the one post per day, it does get a little boring when everyone takes a blogging break, even the Hungry Girl.

  7. I actually like Christmas dinner better because when I spend it with friends we can do a themed dinner. One year we did all italian dishes, another all mexican. Suits me much better than ham or turkey and you get to taste so many things you’d never make all at once.

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