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Spreading Christmas cheer

Spreading Christmas cheer Posted on December 24, 20083 Comments

I always love coming to visit my parents for a few days, settling into a routine that mostly consists of sleeping, doing whatever errands or chores the Modern Mom tasks me with and walking the dog.

I love taking Lucydog for a walk around the block in their neighborhood because it brings back a wave of memories and it’s fun to see who’s painted and who’s trying to sell their house. I noticed on last night’s walk that a house down the street where there were always a bunch of munchkins playing in the yard now has an SUV parked in the drive with fraternity letters on the bumper. Lord, have mercy, I am getting so old.

It’s also fun to see the Christmas lights each year. A lot of houses at least make an effort to put some lights out. There’s nothing too over-the-top, which is a shame, but plenty of tasteful displays.

Well, tasteful except for one that I noticed during this morning’s walk.

There were three reindeer in this one particular front yard. Two were grazing as you would expect reindeer to prepare for their big trip on Christmas Eve. The other, well, it was humping one of the others. At first I thought I was seeing things, but I checked again on tonight’s walk and it was still humping its friend (I suppose it’s a friend.)

So either someone got punk’d and has yet to notice or else the homeowner felt the need to comment on the state of our society right now. I would have gotten a photo of it tonight, but it’s been raining sideways all day and as much as I would risk for The Modern Gal blog, I’m not going to risk ruining my camera. Fortunately the blogosphere helped me out with a re-enactment photo, which I borrowed:

humping lawn reindeer

But kids, if you’re reading this (which you really shouldn’t, since it’s more of a PG-13 to R-rated blog), here is a fantastic idea for a Christmas prank that should be safe enough as to not land in jail. Go forth and spread Christmas cheer.


  1. I love it! Can I add drawing a look of shock and horror on the angel’s face? Like a giant “O” mouth?

  2. ha. I might have done that in my late 20s. Hmmph. Merry Christmas to one of my favorite blogger friends.

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